100 Days of SwiftUI - a free online course created and delivered by Paul Hudson



100 Days of SwiftUI is a free online course created and delivered by Paul Hudson.
URL: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/100/swiftui


After graduating with a Bachelors of Science is Computer Science, I wanted to continue learning additional tools and technologies that interested me. I’ve always been exteremely interested in mobile development, primarily due to the need for both logic and design (think UX/UI). Specifically, I’m able to approach a project from multiple angles: artistic design, user experience/user interface, complex logic, etc.

All projects completed throughout the course will be posted here, highlighting my journey learning Swift and SwiftUI. While some are guided (starter code is provided), others are created completely from scratch with zero starter code and a simple explanation of the expected outcome. The list below titled “Projects Made From Scratch” highlights those projects where minimal (if any) code is given.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any recommendations or suggestions. Advice is always welcome as I am always learning.


The projects below were assigned with no starter code given, aside from the automatic “Hello World” provided by XCode after creating a new project. They are in the order in which they were completed, with the first project on the list being the first project completed during the course.

Projects “Made From Scratch”
  • Temp Convert
  • Rock Paper Scissors


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