A bridge from UIKit to SwiftUI

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 |  __ \ | |  | ||  __ \             | |                   | |    | |      
 | |  | || |__| || |  | |  ___   ___ | |  __ _  _ __  __ _ | |__  | |  ___ 
 | |  | ||  __  || |  | | / _ \ / __|| | / _` || '__|/ _` || '_ \ | | / _ \
 | |__| || |  | || |__| ||  __/| (__ | || (_| || |  | (_| || |_) || ||  __/
 |_____/ |_|  |_||_____/  \___| \___||_| \__,_||_|   \__,_||_.__/ |_| \___|


? A bridge from UIKit to SwiftUI

Can’t drop support for iOS 12 in your app and tired of Storyboards?

  • DHDeclarable adds declarative syntax to UIKit
  • No more assigning constraints in Interface Builder
  • One source of truth for your user interface code

Available as a Swift Package: https://github.com/dan-hart/DHDeclarable


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