A command-line interface for the text-capture-server package

Text Capture CLI

A command-line interface for the text-capture-server package. This package allows you to extract text in target language from a shared screen.


brew tap pepebecker/tap
brew install text-capture


USAGE: text-capture [--open] [--port <port>] [--client-url <client-url>]

  -o, --open              Open the server in the default browser.
  -p, --port <port>       The port to run the server on. (default: 4444)
  -c, --client-url <client-url>
                          The URL of the client. (default: https://textcapture.surge.sh)
  -h, --help              Show help information.


To start the server with the default port and open the client in the default browser:

text-capture --open

To start the server with a custom port and not open the client in the browser:

text-capture --port 8080


If you have a question, found a bug or want to propose a feature, have a look at the issues page.


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