A Custom collection view Layout library for overlapping style carousel collection view flow layout


EDCarousel is a Custom collection view Layout library for overlapping style carousel collection view flow layout.


  • Animate cell scale while scrolling
  • Easy to integrate and use
  • Easy Customizeable
  • Page control


To install using Cocoapods, clone this repo and go to Example directory then run the following command:

pod install




via Interface Builder

Set the UICollectionView layout class to CarouselFlowLayout as given below.

Detect current indexPath or page while scrolling

  • If you continue to track which current(center) indexPath then use scrollViewDidScroll delegate method. This method called on any offset changes.

func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        if let indexPath = centerFlowLayout.currentCenteredIndexPath {
            print("Current IndexPath: \(indexPath)")
        if let page = centerFlowLayout.currentCenteredPage {
            print("Current Page: \(page)")
  • After scrolling end with left or right then you can use the scrollViewDidEndDecelerating delegate method. This method called when scroll view grinds to a halt.

func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        if let indexPath = centerFlowLayout.currentCenteredIndexPath {
            print("Current IndexPath: \(indexPath)")
        if let page = centerFlowLayout.currentCenteredPage {
            print("Current Page: \(page)")
  • Updates the button and page control states.

    func didTapOnPreviousButton(_: Any) {
        let prevIndex = max(pageControl.currentPage - 1, 0)
        let indexPath = IndexPath(item: prevIndex, section: 0)
        pageControl.currentPage = prevIndex
        collectionView?.isPagingEnabled = false
            at: indexPath,
            at: .centeredHorizontally,
            animated: true
        updateButtonStates(with: pageControl.currentPage)
        updateUI(with: pageControl.currentPage)

    func didTapOnNextButton(_: Any) {
        let nextIndex = min(pageControl.currentPage + 1, images.count - 1)
        let indexPath = IndexPath(item: nextIndex, section: 0)
        pageControl.currentPage = nextIndex
        collectionView?.isPagingEnabled = false
            at: indexPath,
            at: .centeredHorizontally,
            animated: true
        updateButtonStates(with: pageControl.currentPage)
        updateUI(with: pageControl.currentPage)

    private func updateUI(with currentPage: Int) {
        pageControl.currentPage = currentPage
        pageControl.indicatorImage(forPage: pageControl.currentPage)
        previousButton.isHidden = currentPage == 0
        nextButton.isHidden = currentPage == images.count - 1
        if currentPage == images.count - 1 {
            nextButton.isHidden = false
            nextButton.setImage(UIImage(), for: .normal)
        } else {
            nextButton.setImage(UIImage("image"), for: .normal)

    private func updateButtonStates(with currentPage: Int) {
        pageControl.currentPage = currentPage
        previousButton.isEnabled = currentPage > 0
        nextButton.isEnabled = currentPage < images.count

Scroll to specifc index

scrollToItem(at: indexPath, at: .centeredHorizontally, animated: true) method use to scroll specific index.

            at: indexPath,
            at: .centeredHorizontally,
            animated: true


Feel free to open an issue if you have questions about how to use EDCarousel, discovered a bug, or want to improve the implementation or interface.


EDCarousel is primarily the work of Emre Degirmenci.


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