A custom TextField with a switchable icon which shows or hides the password


A custom TextField with a switchable icon which shows or hides the password and enforces good password policies, written in Swift.


  • Custom toggle icon in IB or programmatically.
  • Custom icon color in IB or programmatically.
  • Custom password validation rules.
  • Custom password validation error message.
  • Control when to show the icon, while editing, always or never.



You can use CocoaPods to install PasswordTextField by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'PasswordTextField'

To get the full benefits import PasswordTextField wherever you import UIKit

import UIKit
import PasswordTextField


Create a Cartfile that lists the framework and run carthage bootstrap. Follow the instructions to add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/PasswordTextField.framework to an iOS project.

github "PiXeL16/PasswordTextField"


  1. Download and drop /PasswordTextField folder in your project.
  2. Congratulations!


  1. Open a storyboard or Xib file.
  2. Drag and drop a UITextField to a ViewController.
  3. In Identity Inspector, replace the class from UITextField to PasswordTextField and the module to PasswordTextField.
  4. Configure your properties in the Attribute Inspector.


Property name Data type Remark
Show Toggle Button While String Possible values are editing(default), always, never
Image Tint Color UIColor The color off the Toggle image, the functionality use UIImageRenderingMode.AlwaysTemplate to change the default or custom image color
Custom Show Secure Text Image UIImage Your custom image to show the secure text
Custom Hide Secure Text Image UIImage Your custom image to hide the secure text


PasswordTextField also provides functionality to enforce good password policies.

It will currently validate that the password format is at least 8 characters long and contain one uppercase letter and one number.

import PasswordTextField

if passwordTextField.isInvalid(){

You can also provide your custom password validation format (with Regex) and error message:

import PasswordTextField

let validationRule = RegexRule(regex:"^[A-Z ]+$", errorMessage: "Password must contain only uppercase letters")

passwordTextField.validationRule = validationRule

if passwordTextField.isInvalid(){


  • Show indication when password is strong or weak in TextField
  • Animation when toggling Button


Chris Jimenez

