A customizable and extensible Markdown parser for iOS


Haring is a customizable and extensible Markdown parser for iOS. It supports many of the standard Markdown elements through the use of Regular Expressions. It also allows customization of font and color attributes for all the Markdown elements.

Haring was forked from Ivan Bruel's MarkdownKit which appears to be no longer maintained. You should be able to drop this in as a replacement very easily.

Haring is named after PopArt artist Keith Haring.


Installation via CocoaPods

Haring is available through CocoaPods. CocoaPods is a dependency manager that automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like Haring in your projects. To integrate Haring into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your pod:

pod 'Haring'

Version 2.x supports Xcode 9 and Swift 4.

Version 1.5 supports Xcode 9 and Swift 3.2. If you need this, add the version:

pod 'Haring', '~> 1.5.0'

Version 1.4 supports Xcode 8 and Swift 3.1. If you need this, add the version:

pod 'Haring', '~> 1.4.0'

Afterwards, run the following command:

pod install

Installation via Carthage

Haring is available through Carthage. Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage via Homebrew with the following command:

brew update
brew install carthage

To integrate Haring into your Xcode project using Carthage, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "davidlari/Haring"

Afterwards, run the following command:

carthage update

Supported Elements

*italic* or _italics_
**bold** or __bold__

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6

> Quote

* List
- List
+ List

`code` or ```code```


In order to use Haring to transform Markdown into NSAttributedString, all you have to do is create an instance of MarkdownParser and call the parse(_) function.

let markdownParser = MarkdownParser()
let markdown = "I support a *lot* of custom Markdown **Elements**, even `code`!"
label.attributedText = markdownParser.parse(markdown)


let markdownParser = MarkdownParser(font: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(18))
markdownParser.automaticLinkDetectionEnabled = false
markdownParser.bold.color = UIColor.redColor()
markdownParser.italic.font = UIFont.italicSystemFontOfSize(300)
markdownParser.header.fontIncrease = 4


To add new Markdown elements all you have to do is implement the MarkdownElement protocol (or descendants) and add it to the MarkdownParser.

import Haring

class MarkdownSubreddit: MarkdownLink {

  private static let regex = "(^|\\s|\\W)(/?r/(\\w+)/?)"

  override var regex: String {
    return MarkdownSubreddit.regex

  override func match(match: NSTextCheckingResult,
                             attributedString: NSMutableAttributedString) {
    let subredditName = attributedString.attributedSubstringFromRange(match.rangeAtIndex(3)).string
    let linkURLString = "http://reddit.com/r/\(subredditName)"
    formatText(attributedString, range: match.range, link: linkURLString)
    addAttributes(attributedString, range: match.range, link: linkURLString)

let markdownParser = MarkdownParser(customElements: [MarkdownSubreddit()])
let markdown = "**/r/iosprogramming** can be *markdown* as well!"
label.attributedText = markdownParser.parse(markdown)


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.
