A customizable color picker for iOS in Swift


IGColorPicker is a fantastic color picker art written in Swift. Developers can use our color picker just like we do in crystal.io or they can customize it with all the available features.



The color picker comes with our set of colors:

But if you don't like them, you are free to use your own colors ?:

colorPickerView.colors = [UIColor.red, UIColor.yellow, UIColor.green, UIColor.black]


  • style enum: look and feel of color picker cells
    • circle

  • square

  • selectionStyle enum: style applied when a color is selected
    • check

  • none

Other features

  • preselectedIndex Int?: the index of the preselected color in the color picker

  • isSelectedColorTappable Bool: if true, the selected color can be deselected by a tap

  • scrollToPreselectedIndex Bool: if true, the preselectedIndex is showed in the center of the color picker


IGColorPicker is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'IGColorPicker'


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Getting Started


ColorPickerView is just a class that inheritance from UIView, so you can both use a storyboard or you can create the color picker programmatically:


  • Add a UIView to the storyboard. Go to the Identity inspector and in set its class to ColorPickerView.
  • Just drag and drop the view in the correct class ??


Just initialize the color picker like one would initialize a UIView, and add it as a subview to your view hierarchy.

import IGColorPicker

class ViewController {
  var colorPickerView: ColorPickerView!

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    colorPickerView = ColorPickerView(frame: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: widthSize, height: heightSize))



ColorPickerViewDelegate is the delegate protocol that recognizes the tap gesture on a color. This is an option delegate, but if you need to know when the user selects a color you should implement it.

// Set the delegate ??‍♂️
colorPickerView.delegate = self

// MARK: - ColorPickerViewDelegate
extension ViewController: ColorPickerViewDelegate {

  func colorPickerView(_ colorPickerView: ColorPickerView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
    // A color has been selected

  // This is an optional method
  func colorPickerView(_ colorPickerView: ColorPickerView, didDeselectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
    // A color has been deselected



Every developer can customize the color picker layout in the way to fit with their design. To do that you have to implement our layout delegate ColorPickerViewDelegateFlowLayout

// Set the delegate ??‍♂️
colorPickerView.layoutDelegate = self

// MARK: - ColorPickerViewDelegateFlowLayout
extension ViewController: ColorPickerViewDelegateFlowLayout {

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // All these methods are optionals, your are not to implement them ??
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------

  func colorPickerView(_ colorPickerView: ColorPickerView, sizeForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
    // The size for each cell

  func colorPickerView(_ colorPickerView: ColorPickerView, minimumLineSpacingForSectionAt section: Int) -> CGFloat {
    // Space between cells

  func colorPickerView(_ colorPickerView: ColorPickerView, minimumInteritemSpacingForSectionAt section: Int) -> CGFloat {
    // Space between rows

  func colorPickerView(_ colorPickerView: ColorPickerView, insetForSectionAt section: Int) -> UIEdgeInsets {
    // Inset used aroud the view


Project Details


  • Swift 3.0
  • Xcode 8.0+
  • iOS 8.0+
