A demo project which contains the steps to create App with TunnelRay library

This is a demo project which contains the steps to create App with TunnelRay library

Environment requirements:

Detail steps

Part 1: Create a new project with the TunnelRay library imported, and add some demo used UI

  1. Open the XCode, create a new App project. like below

  2. Close the XCode, go to the project folder, create a new file named Podfile with the following content:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '13.0'

## change to your target name
target 'Demo' do
    pod 'TunnelRay', '>= 1.0.6'
  1. Run the following command to install the dependencies.

$ pod install
$ open -a xcode Demo.xcworkspace

Note: please always open your project with {Name}.xcworkspace instead of {Name}.xcodeproj

  1. Drag the following files from this project to your project under the corresponding location, and check the Copy item if needed:
    • Demo/Demo/ContentView.swift
    • Demo/Demo/WebView.swift
    • Demo/Demo/WebViewPage.swft

Part 2: Create entitlements and Extension:

  1. Add an entitlment via Signing & Capability.

  2. Add Network Extension as a new target with name tunnel-extension

  3. After the extension created, set up the entitlement to match the app on the extension like following:

  4. Remove the PacketTunnelProvider,swift and Copy the following items from the this project to your project by dragging.

    • tunnel-extension/PacketTunnelProvider.swift
    • tunnel-extension/libleaf/*
    • tunnel-extension/Subnet.swift
    • tunnel-extension/TunnelRay-Bridging-Header.h
    • tunnel-extension/TunnelRayTunnelStore.swift
  5. Append the following changed to the Podfile, and re-run the pod install command

target 'tunnel-extension' do
    pod 'TunnelRay', '>= 1.0.6'
  1. Add Objective-C Bridging Header

Part 3: Running on the real device.

  1. Connect your device.
  2. Select the App target and run.


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