A flexible and beautifully interactive iOS chart view
Meet cute and very flexibility library for iOS application for different data view in one circle diagram. The opportunity of transformation of this sample make application interactive, colorful with wow-effect.
- Xcode 9
- iOS 9.x+
- Swift 4
Be sure to read all instructions carefully.
Installing with CocoaPods
pod 'SMDiagramViewSwift', '~> 1.0'
Add a UIView
instance in your .storyboard or .xib, set SMDiagramView
class, connect IBOutlet
and add DataSource
import SMDiagramViewSwift
class ViewController: UIViewController, SMDiagramViewDataSource {
let dataSource = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
@IBOutlet weak var diagramView: SMDiagramView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
diagramView.dataSource = self
Setup SMDiagramView
if need
override func viewDidLoad() {
diagramView.dataSource = self
diagramView.minProportion = 0.1
diagramView.diagramViewMode = .arc // or .segment
diagramView.diagramOffset = .zero
diagramView.radiusOfSegments = 80.0
diagramView.radiusOfViews = 130.0
diagramView.arcWidth = 6.0 //Ignoring for SMDiagramViewMode.segment
diagramView.startAngle = -.pi/2
diagramView.endAngle = 2.0 * .pi - .pi/2.0
diagramView.colorOfSegments = .black
diagramView.viewsOffset = .zero
diagramView.separatorWidh = 1.0
public var separatorColor = .white
func numberOfSegmentsIn(diagramView: SMDiagramView) -> Int {
return dataSource.count
func diagramView(_ diagramView: SMDiagramView, proportionForSegmentAtIndex index: NSInteger) -> CGFloat {
return CGFloat(1/dataSource.count)
func diagramView(_ diagramView: SMDiagramView, colorForSegmentAtIndex index: NSInteger, angle: CGFloat) -> UIColor? {
return .black
func diagramView(_ diagramView: SMDiagramView, viewForSegmentAtIndex index: NSInteger, colorOfSegment color:UIColor?, angle: CGFloat) -> UIView? {
return UIView()
func diagramView(_ diagramView: SMDiagramView, offsetForView view: UIView?, atIndex index: NSInteger, angle: CGFloat) -> CGPoint {
return .zero
func diagramView(_ diagramView: SMDiagramView, radiusForView view: UIView?, atIndex index: NSInteger, radiusOfSegment radius: CGFloat, angle: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return 130.0
func diagramView(_ diagramView: SMDiagramView, radiusForSegmentAtIndex index: NSInteger, proportion: CGFloat, angle: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return 80.0
func diagramView(_ diagramView: SMDiagramView, lineWidthForSegmentAtIndex index: NSInteger, angle: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
//not called for SMDiagramViewModeSegment
return 6.0
- IOS 9-11
Version: 1.0
- Initial Build