A framework than handles iOS app navigation using Coordinators


A framework than handles iOS app navigation using Coordinators

This framework has been created upon Soroush Khanlou’s work about Coordinators that leverages the navigation workload outside the UIViewController

It has been combined with a UIViewController/FlowStep association to simplyfy the navigation


Using Swift Package Manager

  1. Open your project with Xcode
  2. Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency...
  3. Put https://github.com/Quen98/CoordinatorDrivenNavigation in the search box and click Next

Creating a coordinated driven navigation

First, you will need to declare two enums:

  • An enum listing all the steps possible in your coordinator, implementing FlowStep and FlowStepAdapter. This is what is going to be use to retrieve the UIViewControllers later.
  • A CompletionState, implementing FlowCompletionState


enum AppFlowStep: FlowStep, FlowStepAdapter { 
    case main
    case detail

enum AppFlowCompletionState: FlowCompletionState {
    case success

Now, create a class that implements the FlowCoordinator protocol, and fills it requirements.


class AppFlowCoordinator: FlowCoordinator {
    var initialStep: AppFlowStep = .welcome
    weak var flowCoordinator: NavigationFlowCoordinator?
    var completion: ((AppFlowCompletionState, Any?) -> Void)?

    func newViewControllerOrCoordinatorForStep(_ step: AppFlowStep, param: Any?) -> UIViewControllerOrFlowCoordinator? {
        switch step {
        case .main:
            return createWelcomeViewController()
        case .detail:
            return createDetailViewController()

/!\ flowCoordinator should always be weak to prevent retain cycles

The Coordination needs a special UINavigationController subclass to work, called CoordinatorDrivenNavigationViewController Simply instantiate it, put it in your window, and let the coordinator handle the navigation


let window = UIWindow(windowScene: scene)
let navigation = CoordinatorDrivenNavigationViewController(
    coordinator: AppFlowCoordinator()

window.rootViewController = navigation
self.window = window

Navigating using the FlowCoordinator

Once the Navigation is setup with your Navigator, you just need from the Coordinator to calls the existing methods to drive your app’s navigation

For now, the FlowCoordinator provides the following methods:

  • push(step:)
  • present(step:)
  • replaceCurrentStep(with:) (replaces the current viewController by the one provided)
  • return(to:) (goes back to the specified step)
  • restartFlow(with:) (replaces every current steps previously provided by the new one)


class AppFlowCoordinator: FlowCoordinator {
    var initialStep: AppFlowStep = .welcome
    weak var flowCoordinator: NavigationFlowCoordinator?
    var completion: ((AppFlowCompletionState, Any?) -> Void)?

    func newViewControllerOrCoordinatorForStep(_ step: AppFlowStep, param: Any?) -> UIViewControllerOrFlowCoordinator? {
        switch step {
        case .welcome:
            return createWelcomeViewController()
        case .detail:
            return createDetailViewController()

    private func createWelcomeViewController() -> UIViewController {
        let viewController = WelcomeViewController()

        viewController.onNextButtonTapped = { [weak self] in
            self?.push(step: .detail)
        return viewController

See the demo app for a concrete implementation of the CoordinatorDrivenNavigation


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