A free sleep analysis/snore reduction app

night right

night right is a simple sleep analysis and snore reduction app for iOS. Using a custom trained AI model, night right listens while you sleep and gently wakes you up when it detects snoring. Over time night right helps train your body to reduce snoring.


  • Modern and functional UI built on SwiftUI
  • Records clips of audio events such as snoring and sleep talking overnight
  • Tracks snoring progress over time
  • Snoring alarm and wake up alarm
  • Dream logging

To Do List

  • Implement bedtime and wakeup notifications
  • Implement Apple Watch support to silenty wake up the user via vibrations when snoring is detected
  • Implement cloud data syncing with my custom authentication backend


Welcome View Progress View
Wake Up View Sleep Summary View
Audio Events View Settings View

More UI screenshots included in ./demo assets in this repo


Developer – Nicholas Cole App Art – Jaime Yaukey Some icons proivded by icons8


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