A golden triangle has the length of all sides that always less than the sum of the remaining sides
Golden Triangle
A golden triangle has the length of all sides that always less than the sum of the remaining sides.
For example,
A triangle with side lengths 10, 5, 8 is a golden triangle because
- 10 + 5 > 8
- 10 + 8 > 5
- 5 + 8 > 10
A triangle with side lengths 3, 4, 20 is not a golden triangle because
- 3 + 4 > 20 is false
Let T be an array of integers of size N.
N is a positive integer with values >= 0 and <= 100,000. The values in Array T are in range from −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
Example 1 T = [10,2,5,1,8,20] the function will return true. due to T[0]=10, T[2]=(5), T[4]=(8) can create a golden triangle as explianed in the example above
Example 2 T = [10,50,5,1] the function will return false Since there are no values in the array that can create a golden triangle.
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func solution(_ A : [Int]) -> Int {
let b = A.sorted()
guard b.count >= 3 else { return 0 }
guard let startIndex = b.firstNonNegativeIndex() else { return 0 }
guard startIndex <= b.count - 2 else { return 0 }
for i in 0..<b.count-2 {
if b[i] > b[i + 2] - b[i + 1] { return 1 }
return 0