A GraphQL server prototyped in many languages

Logic Server: My own TodoMVC of server-side code

Comparing languages by re-implementing some typical functions.

  • Text Service functions
  • GraphQL server

Code Samples

Here are samples of each language. Or browse the folders to also compare the tests and config files.


# Plaintext and HTML manipulation.
module TextService
  extend self

  # Return a new string enhanced with typographic characters:
  #  Single quotes: ’
  #  Double quotes: “”
  def add_typography(text : String) : String
    text.gsub(/"([^"]+)"/, "\\1”")
        .gsub('\'', '’')

  # Add nicer typography that HTML can provide:
  #  Fractions using superscript and subscript.
  def add_html_typography(text : String) : String
    text.gsub(%r{\b(\d+)/(\d+)\b}, "<sup>\\1</sup>&frasl;<sub>\\2</sub>")


import String

defmodule TextService do
  @moduledoc """
  Plaintext and HTML manipulation.

  @doc """
  Return a new string enhanced with typographic characters:
    Single quotes: ’
    Double quotes: “”
  @spec add_typography(binary) :: binary
  def add_typography(text) do
    |> replace(~r/\"([^\"]+)\"/, "“\\1”")
    |> replace(~r/'/, "’")

  @doc """
  Add nicer typography that HTML can provide:
    Fractions using superscript and subscript.
  @spec add_html_typography(binary) :: binary
  def add_html_typography(text) do
    |> replace(~r/\b(\d+)\/(\d+)\b/, "<sup>\\1</sup>&frasl;<sub>\\2</sub>")


"""Plaintext and HTML manipulation."""

import re

DOUBLE_QUOTED_TEXT = re.compile(r'"([^"]+)"')       # "Hello"
FRACTION           = re.compile(r'\b(\d+)/(\d+)\b') # 1/2

def add_typography(text: str) -> str:
    """ Return a new string enhanced with typographic characters:
          Single quotes: ’
          Double quotes: “”
    return DOUBLE_QUOTED_TEXT.sub(r'“\1”', text).replace("'", "’")

def add_html_typography(text: str) -> str:
    """ Add nicer typography that HTML can provide:
          Fractions using superscript and subscript.
    return FRACTION.sub(r'<sup>\1</sup>&frasl;<sub>\2</sub>', text)


/// Plaintext and HTML manipulation.

use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use regex::Regex;
use std::borrow::Cow;

lazy_static! {
    static ref DOUBLE_QUOTED_TEXT: Regex = Regex::new(r#""(?P<content>[^"]+)""#).unwrap();
    static ref FRACTION:           Regex = Regex::new(r"\b(\d+)/(\d+)\b").unwrap();

/// Return a new string enhanced with typographic characters:
///     Single quotes: ’
///     Double quotes: “”
fn add_typography(text: &str) -> String {
        .replace_all(text, "“$content”")
        .replace("'", "’")

/// Add nicer typography that HTML can provide:
///     Fractions using superscript and subscript.
fn add_html_typography(text: &str) -> Cow<str> {
    FRACTION.replace_all(text, r"<sup>$1</sup>&frasl;<sub>$2</sub>")


import Foundation

extension String {
    /// Provide a higher-level API for regexes.
    func gsub(_ regex: NSRegularExpression, _ replacement: String) -> String {
        return regex.stringByReplacingMatches(
            in: self,
            range: NSRange(location: 0, length: self.utf16.count),
            withTemplate: replacement

let SINGLE_QUOTE =  try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "'")
let DOUBLE_QUOTES = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: #""([^"]+)""#)
let FRACTION =      try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: #"\b(\d+)/(\d+)\b"#)

/// Return a new String enhanced with typographic characters:
///   Single quotes: ’
///   Double quotes: “ ”
func addTypography(text: String) -> String {
    return text
        .gsub(SINGLE_QUOTE,  "")
        .gsub(DOUBLE_QUOTES, "“$1”")

/// Add nicer typography that HTML can provide:
///   Fractions using superscript and subscript.
func addHtmlTypography(text: String) -> String {
    return text.gsub(FRACTION, #"<sup>\1</sup>&frasl;<sub>\2</sub>"#)


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