A library for backporting Dark Mode in iOS


FluentDarkModeKit was designed and developed before Apple‘s official dark mode release. It provides a mechanism to support dark mode for apps on iOS 11+ (including iOS 13).


  • [x] Dark Mode support for iOS 11+
  • [x] Dynamic theme change within the app without restart
  • [x] Simple API design with minimal changes to your existing code



  • iOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 11.0+
  • Swift 5.0+
  • Git LFS

You can use Homebrew to install Git LFS:

brew install git-lfs


To integrate FluentDarkModeKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "microsoft/FluentDarkModeKit"

Swift Package Manager

Click "Files -> Swift Package Manager -> Add Package Dependency..." in Xcode's menu and search "https://github.com/microsoft/FluentDarkModeKit"

Since Xcode uses its own tools to handle swifft packages, git-lfs might not be picked up if it is installed via Homebrew. Run the following command to create a symbolic link if Xcode fails to fetch the package:

ln -s /usr/local/bin/git-lfs $(xcode-select -p)/usr/bin/git-lfs


To integrate FluentDarkModeKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod "FluentDarkModeKit"

Get Started

How to Set Up FluentDarkModeKit

To set up FluentDarkModeKit, you need to call the following methods first.

let configuration = DMEnvironmentConfiguration()
configuration.themeChangeHandler = {
    print("theme changed")
configuration.windowThemeChangeHandler = { window in
    print("\(window) theme changed")
configuration.useImageAsset = false

DarkModeManager.setup(with: configuration)
DarkModeManager.register(with: UIApplication.shared)

There are 3 configurable properties in FluentDarkModeKit as you can see in the code sample above.


This is a callback for app wide theme change. Defaults to nil.

It is invoked when a new theme is set via setOverrideTraitCollection(_:) or system wide theme changes (DMTraitCollection.overrideTraitCollection.userInterfaceStyle is set to .unspecific).


This is a callback for window theme change. iOS 13+. Defaults to nil.

It is invoked per window when the window's traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle changes.
UIWindow's traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle can change for multiple reasons:

  1. System wide theme changes (DMTraitCollection.overrideTraitCollection.userInterfaceStyle and UIWindow's overrideUserInterfaceStyle are both .unspecific).
  2. setOverrideTraitCollection(_:) is called (UIWindow's overrideUserInterfaceStyle is .unspecific).
  3. UIWindow's overrideUserInterfaceStyle is manually modified to a different value than current mode.
  4. UIKit modifies your UIWindow's traitCollection (An example would be when an app enters background, UIKit will prepare snapshots with dark mode on/off by modifying it).


It determines whether UIImageAsset is used for dynamic image. iOS 13+. Defaults to false.

Images marked with "Preserve Vector Data" must not to be used when it is set to true.

How to Use FluentDarkModeKit

To use FluentDarkModeKit, provide a pair of colors or images instead of a single value. Simply replace existing colors/images with a pair of light and dark colors/images.


extension UIColor {
    init(_ namespace: DMNamespace, light: UIColor, dark: UIColor)
    init(_ namespace: DMNamespace, dynamicProvider: @escaping (DMTraitCollection) -> UIColor)

let color1 = UIColor(.dm, light: .white, dark: .black)
let color2 = UIColor(.dm) { traitCollection in
    return traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle == .dark ? UIColor.black : UIColor.white


extension UIImage {
    init(_ namespace: DMNamespace, light: UIImage, dark: UIImage)

let lightImage = UIImage(named: "Light")!
let darkImage = UIImage(named: "Dark")!
let image = UIImage(.dm, light: lightImage, dark: darkImage)

Change Theme

DMTraitCollection.setOverride(DMTraitCollection(userInterfaceStyle: .light), animated: true) // Change to light theme with animation
DMTraitCollection.setOverride(DMTraitCollection(userInterfaceStyle: .unspecified), animated: true) // Change to "follow system" theme


For more complex scenarios, FluentDarkModeKit is similar to what Apple does in iOS 13 (some slight differences). It maintains a global DMTraitCollection which can be accessed through DMTraitCollection.current during custom layout.

For more information on cases you should handle during layout, please refer to Apple's documentation.

FluentDarkModeKit will notify views or view controllers in the current window when the theme changes by calling the following delegate method.

protocol DMTraitEnvironment: NSObjectProtocol {
    func dmTraitCollectionDidChange(_ previousTraitCollection: DMTraitCollection?)

