A library of monthly event calendar for iOS written in Swift
YMCalendar is a library of monthly event calendar for iOS written in Swift 3.
has some instance properties like UICollectionView
- Scrollable both vertically and horizontally
- Switching paging mode
- Multiple selection mode
var scrollDirection: YMScrollDirection
var isPagingEnabled: Bool
var allowsMultipleSelection: Bool
- Customizable select and deselect animation.
enum YMSelectAnimation {
case none, bounce, fade
var selectAnimation: YMSelectAnimation
var deselectAnimation: YMSelectAnimation
- Customizable date range of calendarView.
func setDateRange(_ dateRange: DateRange?)
If you set nil
for dateRange, it will be inifinite scroll calendar (default is nil).
Layout customization
Appearance protocol
YMCalendarView has appearance
property of YMCalendarAppearance
protocol which manages layout for YMCalendarView
For example, color and width of grid lines, color and fonts of day labels on calendarView.
func horizontalGridColor(in view: YMCalendarView) -> UIColor
func horizontalGridWidth(in view: YMCalendarView) -> CGFloat
func verticalGridColor(in view: YMCalendarView) -> UIColor
func verticalGridWidth(in view: YMCalendarView) -> CGFloat
func dayLabelAlignment(in view: YMCalendarView) -> YMDayLabelAlignment
func calendarViewAppearance(_ view: YMCalendarView, dayLabelFontAtDate date: Date) -> UIFont
func calendarViewAppearance(_ view: YMCalendarView, dayLabelTextColorAtDate date: Date) -> UIColor
func calendarViewAppearance(_ view: YMCalendarView, dayLabelBackgroundColorAtDate date: Date) -> UIColor
## GitHub
<div class="github-widget" data-repo="matsune/YMCalendar"></div>