A lightweight generic networking API written purely in Swift


SwiftyNetworking library is a generic networking library written in Swift that provides a protocol-oriented approach to load requests. It provides a protocol Endpoint to parse networking requests in a generic and type-safe way.

Endpoint Protocol

Conformance to Endpoint protocol is easy and straighforward. This is how the protocol looks like:

public protocol Endpoint {
    associatedtype Response
    var host: String { get }
    var path: String { get }
    var queryItems: [URLQueryItem] { get }
    var scheme: Scheme { get }
    func makeRequest() -> URLRequest?
    func parse(_ data: Data) throws -> Response

The library also includes default implementations for some of the required variables and functions for convenience. For example, there is a default implementation for **func parse(_ data: Data) throws -> Response ** whenever Response conforms to Decodable protocol as follows:

extension Endpoint where Response : Decodable {
    func parse(_ data: Data) throws -> Response {
        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
        return try decoder.decode(Response.self, from: data)

You can alternatively provide your own implementation of the function and override this default implementation.

An Example Endpoint

This is an example endpoint to parse requests from Agify.io API.

The response body from an API call (https://api.agify.io/?name=bella) looks like this:

    "name" : "bella",
    "age" : 34,
    "count" : 40138

A custom Swift struct that can contain this data would look like this:

struct Person : Decodable {
    let name: String
    let age: Int
    let count: Int

Finally, here is how our endpoint will look like:

struct AgifyAPIEndpoint : Endpoint {
    typealias Response = Person
    let scheme: Scheme = .https
    let host: String = "api.agify.io"
    let path: String = "/"
    let queryItems: [URLQueryItem]
    init(@ArrayBuilder queryItems: () -> [URLQueryItem]) {
        self.queryItems = queryItems()

As you can see from our above example, we did not need to implement **parse(_:) ** by ourselves since we declared that our response will be of type Person which conforms to Decodable protocol. The initializer also uses @ArrayBuilder, which is a result builder included in the library that is used to create arrays in a declarative way.

We could use the Swift dot syntax to create a convenient way to call our endpoint.

extension Endpoint where Self == AgifyAPIEndpoint {
    static func estimatedAge(forName personName: String) -> Self {
        AgifyAPIEndpoint {
            URLQueryItem(name: "name", value: "\(personName)")

Finally, this is how we would call our endpoint. The result is of type Result<Person, Error>.

URLSession.shared.load(.estimatedAge(forName: "Zaid")) { result in
    do {
        let person = try result.get()
        print("\(person.name) is probably \(person.age) years old.")
    } catch {
        // Handle errors


SwiftyNetworking supports loading endpoints using Combine framework.

let subscription: AnyCancellable = URLSession.shared.load(.estimatedAge(forName: "Zaid"))
    .sink { completion in
        // Handle errors
    } receiveValue: { person in
        print("\(person.name) is probably \(person.age) years old.")

Swift Concurrency

SwiftyNetworking also supports loading an endpoint using Swift Concurrency and async/await.

Task {
    do {
        let person = try await URLSession.shared.load(.estimatedAge(forName: "Zaid"))
        print("\(person.name) is probably \(person.age) years old.")
    } catch {
        // Handle errors



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