A little framework for binding data to UIKit views using Combine
A little framework for binding data to UIKit views using Combine (inspired by RxCocoa)
Go to Xcode > File > Add Packages…, enter the URL to this repository, select dependency rule and project and click ‘Add Package’.
class ExampleViewModel {
@Published private(set) var text = ""
// ...
class ExampleViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet private weak var label: UILabel!
private var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func configure(with viewModel: ExampleViewModel) {
subscriptions = [
viewModel.$text.bind(to: label.binders.text), // <---
Why it’s better than Combine’s assign(to:on:)
- You can use weak reference to the target object while
keeps a strong reference. - You can pass parameters when creating bindings:
$text.bind(to: button.binders.title(for: .normal))
- You can add custom binders without adding properties to the target class:
struct ButtonStyle { let titleColor: UIColor let backgroundImage: UIImage } extension Binders where Target: UIButton { func style(for state: UIControl.State) -> Binder<ButtonStyle> { WeakBinder(target: target, queue: .main) { button, style in button.setTitleColor(style.titleColor, for: state) button.setBackgroundImage(style.backgroundImage, for: state) } } }
CombineUIKitBinding is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.