A Movies API created using Vapor, Fluent (ORM) and Postgres

? MoviesAPI

A Movies API created using Vapor, Fluent (ORM) and Postgres.

You can use this project if you want to build a local movie API that views all movies and their directors and actors as well as adding and deleting movies that connected to your postgres database?.

✨What you need to do :

  1. Instal Swift and Vapor Toolbox
  2. Create your Postgres Database
  3. Clone this project via xcode
  4. Replace your database configuration in the configure.swift
  5. Run your project and migrate your database, by running the migrate command in terminal.

You can also run this command through Xcode. The migrate command will check the database to see if any new migrations have been registered since it was last run. If there are new migrations, it will ask for a confirmation before running them.

  • The database schema look like this:

6. Run your project again to start using the server??

? API End pointes

Method URL Description
GET /movies Retrieve all movies.
GET /movies/id Retrieve specific movie by id.
POST /movies Add movie.
GET /actor Retrieve all actors.
GET /actor/movieId Retrieve specific actors by id.
POST /actor Add actor.
GET /director Retrieve all director.
GET /director/movieId Retrieve specific directors by id.
POST /director Add director.


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