A networking abstraction layer in Swift designed to work with Codables


TermiNetwork is a networking abstraction layer written on top of Swift's URLRequest that supports multi-environment configuration, routing and automatic model deserialization with Codable.


  • [x] Receive responses with the wanted data type (supported: Codable, JSON, UIImage, Data, String)
  • [x] Automatic deserialization with Codable
  • [x] SwiftyJSON support
  • [x] Multi-environment configuration
  • [x] Routing
  • [x] Error handling


TermiNetwork is available via CocoaPods. Simply add the following lines to your Podfile and run pod install from your terminal:

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'YourTarget' do
    pod 'TermiNetwork', '~> 0.3'


Simple usage

Imagine that you have the following Codable model

struct Todo: Codable {
   let id: Int
   let title: String

You can call the TNRequest(...).start(...) to add a new Todo with the title "Go shopping." like this:

let params = ["title": "Go shopping."]
let headers = ["x-auth": "abcdef1234"]

TNRequest(method: .post, url: "https://myweb.com/api/todos", headers: headers, params: params).start(responseType: Todo.self, onSuccess: { todo in
}) { (error, data) in

If the request completes successfully (2xx), a new instance of Todo is being created and passed in onSuccess callback. If the deserialization fails for any reason, the onFailure callback is being called with the appropriate error. See more information about errors in Error Handling section.

The JSON response of the service is the following:

   "id": 5,
   "title": "Go shopping."


method: one of the following supported HTTP methods

.get, .head, .post, .put, .delete, .connect, .options, .trace or .patch

responseType: one of the following supported response types

JSON.self, Codable.self, UIImage.self, Data.self or String.self

onSuccess: a callback returning an object with the data type specified by

onFailure: a callback returning an error+data on failure. There are two cases when this callback being called: the first is that the http status code is different than 2xx and the second is that there is an error with data conversion, e.g. it fails on deserialization of the responseType.

Advanced usage with configuration and custom queue

let myQueue = TNQueue(failureMode: .continue)
myQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 2

let configuration = TNRequestConfiguration(
    cachePolicy: .useProtocolCachePolicy,
    timeoutInterval: 30,
    requestBodyType: .JSON

let params = ["title": "Go shopping."]
let headers = ["x-auth": "abcdef1234"]

TNRequest(method: .post,
          url: "https://myweb.com/todos",
          headers: headers,
          params: params,
          configuration: configuration).start(queue: myQueue, responseType: JSON.self, onSuccess: { json in
}) { (error, data) in

The request above uses a custom queue myQueue with a failure mode of value .continue (default), which means that the queue continues its execution even if a request fails, and also sets the maximum concurrent operation count to 2. Finally, it uses a TNRequestConfiguration object to provide some additional settings.

Additional parameters

configuration (optional): The configuration object to use. The available configuration properties are:

  • cachePolicy: The NSURLRequest.CachePolicy used by NSURLRequest internally. Default value: .useProtocolCachePolicy (see apple docs for available values)
  • timeoutInterval: The timeout interval used by NSURLRequest internally. Default value: 60 (see apple docs for more info)
  • requestBodyType: It specifies the content type of request params. Available values:
    • .xWWWFormURLEncoded (default): The params are being sent with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' content type.
    • .JSON: The params are being sent with 'application/json' content type.

queue (optional): Specify the queue in which the request will be added. If you omit this argument, the request will be added to a shared queue (TNQueue.shared).


You can organize your requests by creating an Environment (class) and a Router (enum) that conform TNEnvironmentProtocol and TNRouterProtocol respectively. To do so, create an environment enum and at least one router class as shown bellow:


enum Environment: TNEnvironmentProtocol {
    case localhost
    case dev
    case production

    func configure() -> TNEnvironment {
        let requestConfiguration = TNRequestConfiguration(cachePolicy: .useProtocolCachePolicy,
                                                          timeoutInterval: 30,
                                                          requestBodyType: .JSON)
        switch self {
        case .localhost:
            return TNEnvironment(scheme: .https,
                                 host: "localhost",
                                 port: 8080,
                                 requestConfiguration: requestConfiguration)
        case .dev:
            return TNEnvironment(scheme: .https,
                                 host: "mydevserver.com",
                                 suffix: path("v1"),
                                 requestConfiguration: requestConfiguration)
        case .production:
            return TNEnvironment(scheme: .http,
                                 host: "myprodserver.com",
                                 suffix: path("v1"),
                                 requestConfiguration: requestConfiguration)

You can optionally pass a requestConfiguration object to make all requests inherit the specified settings. (see 'Advanced usage with configuration and custom queue' above for how to create a configuration object.)


enum TodosRouter: TNRouterProtocol {
    // Define your routes
    case list
    case show(id: Int)
    case add(title: String)
    case remove(id: Int)
    case setCompleted(id: Int, completed: Bool)

    // Set method, path, params, headers for each route
    func configure() -> TNRouteConfiguration {
        let headers = ["x-auth": "abcdef1234"]
        let configuration = TNRequestConfiguration(requestBodyType: .JSON)

        switch self {
        case .list:
            return TNRouteConfiguration(method: .get, path: path("todos"), headers: headers, requestConfiguration: configuration) // GET /todos
        case .show(let id):
            return TNRouteConfiguration(method: .get, path: path("todo", String(id)), headers: headers, requestConfiguration: configuration) // GET /todos/[id]
        case .add(let title):
            return TNRouteConfiguration(method: .post, path: path("todos"), params: ["title": title], headers: headers, requestConfiguration: configuration) // POST /todos
        case .remove(let id):
            return TNRouteConfiguration(method: .delete, path: path("todo", String(id)), headers: headers, requestConfiguration: configuration) // DELETE /todo/[id]
        case .setCompleted(let id, let completed):
            return TNRouteConfiguration(method: .patch, path: path("todo", String(id)), params: ["completed": completed], headers: headers, requestConfiguration: configuration) // PATCH /todo/[id]

You can optionally pass a requestConfiguration object to specify settings for each route. (see 'Advanced usage with configuration and custom queue' above for instructions of how to create a configuration object.)

Finally use the TNRouter to start a request

TNRouter.start(TodosRouter.add(title: "Go shopping!"), responseType: Todo.self, onSuccess: { todo in
    // do something with todo
}) { (error, data) in
    // show error

TNQueue Hooks

Hooks run before and/or after a request execution in a queue. The following hooks are executed in the default queue:

TNQueue.shared.beforeAllRequestsCallback = {
    // e.g. show progress loader

TNQueue.shared.afterAllRequestsCallback = { completedWithError in // Bool
    // e.g. hide progress loader

TNQueue.shared.beforeEachRequestCallback = { request in // TNRequest
    // e.g. print log

TNQueue.shared.afterEachRequestCallback = { request, data, urlResponse, error in // request: TNRequest, data: Data, urlResponse: URLResponse, error: Error
    // e.g. print log

Error Handling

Available error cases (TNError) passed in onFailure callback of a TNRequest:

  • .environmentNotSet: You didn't set the Environment.
  • .invalidURL: The url cannot be parsed, e.g. it contains invalid characters.
  • .responseDataIsEmpty: the server response body is empty. You can avoid this error by setting TNRequest.allowEmptyResponseBody to true.
  • .responseInvalidImageData: failed to convert response Data to UIImage.
  • .cannotDeserialize(Error): e.g. your model's structure and types doesn't match with the server's response. It carries the the error thrown by deserializer (DecodingError.dataCorrupted),
  • .cannotConvertToJSON: cannot convert the response Data to JSON object (SwiftyJSON).
  • .networkError(Error): e.g. timeout error. It carries the error from URLSessionDataTask.
  • .notSuccess(Int): The http status code is different from 2xx. It carries the actual status code of the completed request.
  • .cancelled(Error): The request is cancelled. It carries the error from URLSessionDataTask.

In any case you can use the error.localizedDescription method to get a readable error message in onFailure callback.


TNRequest(method: .get, url: "https://myweb.com/todos").start(responseType: JSON.self, onSuccess: { json in
        }) { (error, data) in
            switch error {
            case .notSuccess(let statusCode):
                debugPrint("Status code " + String(statusCode))
            case .networkError(let error):
                debugPrint("Network error: " + error.localizedDescription)
            case .cancelled(let error):
                debugPrint("Request cancelled with error: " + error.localizedDescription)
                debugPrint("Error: " + error.localizedDescription)

UIImageView Extension

You can use the setRemoteImage method of UIImageView to download an image from a remote server


imageView.setRemoteImage(url: "http://www.website.com/image.jpg", defaultImage: UIImage(named: "DefaultImage"), beforeStart: {
}, preprocessImage: { image in // This block will run in background
	let newImage = image.resize(100, 100)
	return newImage
}) { image, error in


You can turn on verbose mode to see what's going on in terminal for each request by setting the TNEnvironment.verbose to true


To run the tests open the Sample project, select Product -> Test or simply press ⌘U on keyboard.


  • [x] Write test cases
  • [x] Add support for request cancelation
  • [x] Error handling
  • [ ] Add support for downloading/uploading files


Feel free to contribute to the project by creating a pull request and/or by reporting any issue(s) you find


Bill Panagiotopoulos, billp.dev@gmail.com


Alex Athanasiadis, alexanderathan@gmail.com
