A new and elegant solution to the TabBar on iOS


A new, and elegant, solution to the TabBar on iOS. MinimalTabBar gets it's name by hiding once you have selected an item, leaving your UIViewControllers uncluttered.


The MinimalTabBar has a number of gestures to allow unique user-interaction. While minimized the user has three seperate gestures to control navigation.

  • Tap Opens the MinimalTabBar
  • Swipe Slides the user between adjacent UIViewControllers
  • Long Press Gives the user a complete look at the app


Implimentation mirrors Apple's UITabBar very closely. Assuming your UIViewControllers have UITabBar items it's only two steps.

JDMinimalTabBarController *minimalTabBarViewController = [[JDMinimalTabBarController alloc] init];

Once you've created your MinimalTabBar assigning it UIViewControllers is easy. Use the UITabBar item's name, image, and selectedImage to control the look of each tab.

[minimalTabBarViewController setViewControllers:@[sectionOneVC, sectionTwoVC, sectionThreeVC, sectionFourVC, sectionFiveVC]];

MinimalTabBarController's MinimalBar you can set the following attributes:

  • @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor* defaultTintColor;
  • @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor* selectedTintColor;
  • @property (nonatomic) BOOL showTitles;
  • @property (nonatomic) BOOL hidesTitlesWhenSelected;

You can also provide the MinimalBar with a background color if you so wish


If you have any comments or run into any errors, please let me know as I am making changes frequently.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


MinimalTabBar is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "MinimalTabBar"


jamesdunay [at] gmail
