A new build tool to generate XCFramework
Carthago delenda est
Scipio proposes a new workflow to integrate dependencies into your applications.
This product is highly inspired by Carthage and swift-create-xcframework.
This is developed in working time for LINE corp.
SwiftPM is the best way to integrate dependencies into your app. However, build artifacts built by Xcode are difficult to cache.
On the other hand, XCFramework is a good way to keep binaries portable.
Scipio provides a new hybrid way to manage dependencies.
First, use SwiftPM to resolve dependencies and checkout repositories. After that, this tool converts each dependency into XCFramework.
Prepare all dependencies for your application.
1. Create a new Swift Package to describe dependencies
$ cd path/to/MyAppDependencies
$ swift package init
2. Edit Package.swift
to describe your application’s dependencies
// swift-tools-version: 5.6
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyAppDependencies",
platforms: [
// Specify platforms to build
products: [],
dependencies: [
// Add dependencies
.package(url: "https://github.com/onevcat/APNGKit.git", exact: "2.2.1"),
targets: [
name: "MyAppDependency",
dependencies: [
// List all dependencies to build
.productItem(name: "APNGKit", package: "APNGKit"),
3. Run prepare
$ scipio prepare path/to/MyAppDependencies
> ? Resolving Dependencies...
> ?️ Cleanin gMyAppEDependencies...
> ? Building APNGKit for iOS
> ? Combining into XCFramework...
> ? Building Delegate for iOS
> ? Combining into XCFramework...
> ❇️ Succeeded.
All XCFrameworks are generated into MyAppDependencies/XCFramework
in default.
Flag | Description | Default |
–configuration, -c | Build configuration for generated frameworks (debug / release) | release |
–output, -o | Path indicates a XCFrameworks output directory | $PACKAGE_ROOT/XCFramework |
–embed-debug-symbols | Whether embed debug symbols to frameworks or not | – |
–support-simulators | Whether also building for simulators of each SDKs or not | – |
–cache-policy | How to reuse built frameworks | project |
See --help
for details.
Build cache
In default, Scipio checks whether re-building is required or not for existing XCFrameworks.
$ swift run scipio prepare --cache-policy project path/to/MyAppDependencies
> ? Resolving Dependencies...
> ?️ Cleaning MyAppDependency...
> ✅ Valid APNGKit.xcframework is exists. Skip building.
> ✅ Valid Delegate.xcframework is exists. Skip building.
> ❇️ Succeeded.
Scipio generates VersionFile to describe built framework details within building XCFrameworks.
contains the following information:
- Revision
- Revision of packages. If resolved versions are updated, they may change.
- Build Options
- Build options built with.
- Compiler Version
- Xcode or Swift compiler version.
They are stored on $OUTPUT_DIR/.$FRAMEWORK_NAME.version
as a JSON file.
"buildOptions" : {
"buildConfiguration" : "release",
"isDebugSymbolsEmbedded" : false,
"sdks" : [
"isSimulatorSupported" : false
"targetName" : "APNGKit",
"clangVersion" : "clang-1400.0.29.102",
"pin" : {
"version" : "2.2.1",
"revision" : "f1807697d455b258cae7522b939372b4652437c1"
If they are changed, Spicio regards them as a cache are invalid, and then it’s re-built.
Cache Policy
You can specify cache behavior with --cache-policy
option. Default value is project
Never reuse already built frameworks. Overwrite existing frameworks everytime.
VersionFiles are stored in output directories. Skip re-building when existing XCFramework is valid.
Copy every build artifacts to ~/Library/Caches
. If there are same binaries are exists in cache directory, skip re-building and copy them to the output directory.
Thanks to this strategy, you can reuse built artifacts in past.
Create XCFramework for single Swift Packages
Scipio also can generate XCFrameworks from a specific Swift Package. This feature is similar to swift-create-xcframework.
$ scipio create path/to/MyPackage
> ? Resolving Dependencies...
> ?️ CleaningMyPackage...
> ? Building MyPackage for iOS
> ? Combining into XCFramework...
> ❇️ Succeeded.
Scipio only builts with standard dependencies and Apple official tools to keep reliability.
How to resolve dependencies
Just run swift package resolve
How to parse package manifests and generate Xcode projects
Scipio depends on swift-package-manager as a library.
Parsing package manifests and generating Xcode project is provided from the package. So it will be maintained in the future.
How to build XCFrameworks
Scipio only uses xcodebuild
to build Frameworks and XCFrameworks.
Why Scipio
Scipio names after a historical story about Carthage.