A package to create generic radio group controls in SwiftUI using static member lookup

A package to create generic radio group controls in SwiftUI using static member lookup.
Initializers are provided for Sequence
s of Identifiable
RadioPicker(items: numbers, selection: $selection) { item, isSelected in
Text("Item: \(item.value)")
.background(isSelected ? Color.blue : Color.gray)
and for Sequence
s with Element
s where there is a Hashable
RadioPicker(items: (1...5), id: \.self, selection: $selection) { item, isSelected in
Text("Item: \(item.value)")
.background(isSelected ? Color.blue : Color.gray)
Initializers are also provided where the Element
s are CustomStringConvertible
or a String
transform is provided. In these cases the styling for the items in the group will be provided by the .radioGroupStyle
RadioGroup(flavors, id:\.self, selection: $selectedFlavor).radioGroupStyle(.roundedRect())
Custom styles
Create custom styles by extending the RadioGroupStyle
. Two example conformances are provided ButtonRadioGroupStyle
and AccessoryImageRadioGroupStyle