A plugin for your Xcode project that stops you from working outside work hours
DoNilDisturb Swift Plugin
Use Xcode 14+ to make use of this amazing and novel Swift plugin in your package.
The plugin stops you from working on your 9-5 project outside of 9-5 hours:
Add this to your dependencies in your Package.swift:
.package(url: "https://github.com/icanzilb/DoNilDisturbPlugin.git", from: "0.0.2"),
And then, add the plugin in your target definition(still in Package.swift:
name: "MyTarget",
plugins: [
.plugin(name: "DoNilDisturbPlugin", package: "DoNilDisturbPlugin")
That’s all. Your target will fail to build outside of working hours.
Enjoy your time off work.
MIT, of course.