A sample implementation of Material Theming in SwiftUI

SwiftUI Material Theming

This repository contains a sample implementation of Material Theming in SwiftUI. It includes custom structs for typography, colors, shapes, and spacing, as well as a ThemeManager and custom ViewModifiers for easy implementation in your own projects.


To use this theme in your own project, you can copy the structs and classes from the Theme folder and use them in your own code.

You can create a ThemeManager object and use the environmentObject to make it available throughout your views.

You can also use the custom ViewModifiers to apply the theme styles to your views, making it easy to maintain consistency throughout your app.


You can easily customize the theme to fit your brand by modifying the color, typography, and shape values in the structs. You can also add custom parameters to the structs if needed.


The app included in this repository demonstrates how to use the theme in a real-world scenario. You can use it as a reference for implementing the theme in your own projects.


This repository is under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify the code as needed for your own projects.


If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

Thanks for checking out this repository!


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