A sample project to demonstrate differences in signing between Xcode 13 and Xcode 14 beta 5
A sample project to demonstrate differences in signing between Xcode 13 and Xcode 14 beta 5. Especially when a setup includes an app target that depends on an SPM library which in turn depends on another SPM library with resources. And codesigning settings are overridden via xcodebuild
- App target
- SPM library 1
- SPM library 2 with resources
- SPM library 1
Open SPMBundleSign.xcworkspace
and update Signing settings for SPMBundleSign target to match your team and provisioning profile.
Steps to reproduce
Xcode 13.4
- Select Xcode 13.4 via
- Run
./archive.sh CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="Apple Distribution"
- Archive should succeed
Touch ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SPMBundleSign-haxtvhvzilukzufoivtdboknlobj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SPMBundleSign/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/SPMBundleSign.app (in target 'SPMBundleSign' from project 'SPMBundleSign')
cd ~/dev/oss/spm-bundle-sign
/usr/bin/touch -c ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SPMBundleSign-haxtvhvzilukzufoivtdboknlobj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SPMBundleSign/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/SPMBundleSign.app
Xcode 14 beta 5
- Select Xcode 14 beta 5 via
- Run
./archive.sh CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="Apple Distribution"
- Archive failed #1
note: Building targets in dependency order
~/dev/oss/spm-bundle-sign/Package.swift: error: Signing for "spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources' from project 'spm-bundle-sign-package')
"spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources" requires a development team. Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor.
- AFAICS, for “spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources” there’s no access to “Signing & Capabilities editor” since it’s an SPM target, but we can pass our development team straight to
via the script, right?
- AFAICS, for “spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources” there’s no access to “Signing & Capabilities editor” since it’s an SPM target, but we can pass our development team straight to
- Run archiving script with development team
./archive.sh CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="Apple Distribution" DEVELOPMENT_TEAM="7V2Y6HDP66"
- Archive failed #2
note: Building targets in dependency order
~/dev/oss/spm-bundle-sign/Package.swift: error: spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources has conflicting provisioning settings. spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources is automatically signed for development, but a conflicting code signing identity Apple Distribution has been manually specified. Set the code signing identity value to "Apple Development" in the build settings editor, or switch to manual signing in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources' from project 'spm-bundle-sign-package')
~/dev/oss/spm-bundle-sign/SPMBundleSign/Dependencies/Package.swift: error: DependenciesUmbrella has conflicting provisioning settings. DependenciesUmbrella is automatically signed for development, but a conflicting code signing identity Apple Distribution has been manually specified. Set the code signing identity value to "Apple Development" in the build settings editor, or switch to manual signing in the Signing & Capabilities editor. (in target 'DependenciesUmbrella' from project 'Dependencies')
spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources has conflicting provisioning settings
.- Does it mean that we can pass provisioning profile directly to
- Does it mean that we can pass provisioning profile directly to
- Run archiving script with development team and provisioning profile while also setting code signing to manual
- Archive failed #3
note: Building targets in dependency order
~/dev/oss/spm-bundle-sign/Package.swift: error: spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources does not support provisioning profiles. spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources does not support provisioning profiles, but provisioning profile SPMBundleSign Distribution has been manually specified. Set the provisioning profile value to "Automatic" in the build settings editor. (in target 'spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources' from project 'spm-bundle-sign-package')
~/dev/oss/spm-bundle-sign/SPMBundleSign/Dependencies/Package.swift: error: DependenciesUmbrella does not support provisioning profiles. DependenciesUmbrella does not support provisioning profiles, but provisioning profile SPMBundleSign Distribution has been manually specified. Set the provisioning profile value to "Automatic" in the build settings editor. (in target 'DependenciesUmbrella' from project 'Dependencies')
spm-bundle-sign-package_TargetWithResources does not support provisioning profiles.
- ?