A Simple App That Find and connect with classmates

Study With Me

Find and connect with classmates!

Search View Controller:

My Courses View Controller:

Profile View Controller:

A View of Students in a Course:

This app is intended to allow users to connect with classmates in order to form study groups and/or friends. You can search for courses, add courses to your list, delete courses from your list, view classmates’ profiles, and notify them.

Names: Ben Wu (bnw36), Ethan Mah (ecm237), Aaron Kang (uk44), Alexia Adams (aa862), Prachi Kelkar (pak226)

This meets the requirements:

  • Many components of the app are positioned using NSLayoutConstraint
  • There is at least one UICollectionView. For example, the courses are displayed in a UICollectionView
  • There is a UITabBarController that allows for navigation between view controllers.
  • The app is set up to be integrated with an API

This meets the requirements for the backend:

  • There are API specifications for all routes as shown below
  • We have 10 fully functional routes that include Get, Post, and Delete methods
  • We have used two databases, one for courses, and one for students and have a relation in between them
  • We have utilized Docker and Heroku and the server address is shown below

Server Address: https://hack-challenge-study-with-me.herokuapp.com/

@app.route(“/api/courses/”, methods=[“GET”])
-> returns a list of all courses. each course has id, course code, course name, department, professor, prerequisites, assignments, students

@app.route(“/api/courses/”, methods=[“POST”])
-> creates a new course with course code, course name, department, professor, prerequisites. if no input for prerequisites, it is set to “None”

-> returns given information about a specified course (course_id is the actual id and not to be confused with course code)

@app.route(“/api/courses/int:course_id/”, methods=[“DELETE”])
-> deletes a specified course with id “course_id”

@app.route(“/api/users/”, methods=[“GET”])
-> returns a list of all users. each user has id, name, netid, email, major, graduation year and courses they’re in

@app.route(“/api/users/”, methods=[“POST”])
-> creates a new course with name, netid, email, major, and graduation year

-> returns given information about a specified user with id “user_id”

@app.route(“/api/courses/int:course_id/add/”, methods=[“POST”])
-> adds a specified user to a specified course with id “course_id”

@app.route(“/api/courses/int:course_id/assignment/”, methods=[“POST”])
-> creates an assignment with title and due date, and adds it to specified course

@app.route(“/api/courses/int:course_id/delete/”, methods=[“DELETE”])
-> removes a specified user from a specified course

Note: the app is somewhat incomplete.


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