A Simple iOS QR code scanner that allows users to enable their camera and local Photo Library accesses to scan the contents of the input QR codes

iOS QR Code Scanner

A Simple iOS QR code scanner using Swift UI. Jump to: ContentView.swift screenshot 1.1.5 NOTE: be aware of the new horizontal line error to internal hyperlink redirecting in Documentations Append the ‘hr’ command right after the preceeding line of documentation to enure the overall formatting stability.


Setup Debugging&Troubleshooting Commits&Pushes Steps Method Running The Project Testing Result




Developing tool: Xcode 13.4+ Swift, SwiftUI custom dependencies.


iPhone 11, iPhone 12, iPhone 13, iPad 10.2+


In Xcode IDE, go to info, click to add a Custom iOS Target Properties Key Search for Privacy – Camera Usage Description Value String: “We need the camera to scan the QR code” -> This preset will enable users to turn on their camera Privacy for scanning

Secondarily, click to add Appearance Value String: Light -> If the app is used on a physical device, this functionality will automatically maximize the brightness on the user’s devices for better scannability if QR code is detected.

Next, click File->Add Packages…-> add CodeScannerDependency into Package Dependencies.


In order to prevent the occurence of

“Cannot assign value of type ‘ScanResult’ to type ‘String’ “ error


self.scannedCode = code

we need to use

self.scannedCode = code.string 

instead to make the value types compatible.

Commits&Pushes Steps

Must customize commit message for each commit: Changes done in ContentView.swift file-> Save -> Source Control->Commit->Flat->Selected the committed file->Enter customized commit message down below->Select Push to Remote (origin/origin/main)-> Commit N files. Done Committing. NOTE: To retain each commit to Github Repositories: Must save -> resume -> rebuild on Simulator -> push both hierarchical and flat modified files and assets remotely to the Github origin/main.

Method Running The Project

Download the project to local directory Xcode must be 13.4 and higher versions Compatible with MacOS Monterey 12.0 or higher versions Enable Camera access or Local Photo Library access in local device.

Testing Result

Online QR code generator Starting UI that prompts user to scan a QR code to get started: screenshot 1.1.6 iOS 15.5 Simulator message. Camera access isn’t available on Xcode Simulator, so select a custom image: screenshot 1.1.7 Testing on url link: screenshot 1.0.7 screenshot 1.0.8 Testing on random text: screenshot 1.1.0 screenshot 1.1.1 Testing on image: screenshot 1.1.2 screenshot 1.1.3 screenshot 1.1.4


Krystal Zhang https://github.com/KrystalZhang612

This file was generated by QRCodeScanner-readme, on June 18, 2022


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