A simple learning app that gives an introduction to the basics of Swift programming and SwiftUI


A simple learning app that gives an introduction to the basics of Swift programming and SwiftUI.

Basic Functionality:

Users of this app are able to select whether they would like to learn Swift or SwiftUI. Upon clicking on their preffered model, users are then taken to a list of lessons that need to be completed to master the topic. Each lesson contents a short instructional video, as well as a text description. Further, in order to asses their knowledge, users can take a final quiz and see their results.

Views from the App!


Learn the Content

Test Your Knowledge


This app utilizes both local and remote JSON data in order to display the data for the lesson and quiz modules. The remote portion of the data is hosted publically at the following github pages link: https://prishaanand.github.io/LearningApp-Data/data2.json This allows for dynamic updating of the app, meaning and changes made to the remote JSON file that follow the same format will be displayed directly in the app!

Special Feature:

Users are not restricted to a certain track of navigation throughout the app, meaning that there are free to follow any path they choose. For instance, upon entering the lesson or quiz for a certain module and find themseleves changing their mind for whatever reason. users have the freedom to simply navigate back to the home screen and select a different module. This is something I noted that many other learning apps did not include. For example, the famous language learning app DuoLingo does not allow users to skip to following modules, as it wants users to progress in sequential order. Having the flexibility to jump to another module allows users to easily skip portions they are already familiar with or simply learn content they are interested in, without having to take a placement test.


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