A Social Media App for Developers


A Social Media App for Developers


This App is still being developed! This is where we provide updates on what we have accomplished!


Contributing to Development Plus!

We always welcome contributors. To help us you can make pull requests of code that you wanted added or create an issue when you have found a bug.

Getting Started (Beta):

If you want to try out what we have so far, just follow these steps:

  1. Download the code
  2. If havent alreayd, download Xcode(MacOS only)
  3. open the folder and tap on Development-Plus.xcodeproj
  4. Xcode should pop up, wait until all package dependencies have been downloaded.(This might take a while)
  5. Hit Run and Enjoy!

Supported Versions:

Versions ❌ or ✅

Join our Discord Server!

Become part of our community by joining our discord server. https://discord.gg/HDeF8yhPVa

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns you can email us at developmentplus1@gmail.com!


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