A spotlight-inspired quick action bar for macOS


A spotlight-inspired quick action bar for macOS.

I've seen this in other mac applications (particularly spotlight) and it's very useful. I have a project where it needs to allow the user to quickly access a large set of actions and hey presto!


Swift package manager

Add https://github.com/dagronf/DSFQuickActionBar to your project.


  • macOS AppKit Swift Support
  • macOS AppKit SwiftUI Support

You can present a quick action bar in the context of a window (where it will be centered above and within the bounds of the window as is shown in the image above) or centered in the current screen (like Spotlight currently does).

Name Type Description
placeholderText String The placeholder text to display in the edit field
searchImage NSImage The image to display on the left of the search edit field, or nil for no image
initialSearchText String (optional) Provide an initial search string to appear when the bar displays
width CGFloat (optional) Force the width of the action bar


  1. Present the quick action bar, automatically focussing on the edit field so your hands can stay on the keyboard
  2. User starts typing in the search field
  3. For each change to the search term -
    1. The contentSource will be asked for the identifiers that 'match' the search term (itemsForSearchTerm)
    2. For each item, the contentSource will be asked to provide a view which will appear in the result table for that identifier (viewForIdentifier)
    3. When the user either double-clicks on, or presses the return key on a selected identifier row, the contentSource will be provided with the identifier (didSelectIdentifier)
  4. The quick action bar will automatically dismiss if
    1. The user clicks outside the quick action bar (ie. it loses focus)
    2. The user presses the escape key
    3. The user double-clicks an item in the result table
    4. The user selects a row and presses 'return'


The contentSource (DSFQuickActionBarContentSource/DSFQuickActionBarSwiftUIContentSource) provides the content and feedback for the quick action bar. The basic mechanism is similar to NSTableViewDataSource/NSTableViewDelegate in that the control will :-

  1. query the contentSource for items matching a search term (itemsForSearchTerm)
  2. ask the contentSource for a view to display each item (viewForIdentifier)
  3. indicate that the user has pressed/clicked a selection in the results.
  4. (optional) indicate to the contentSource that the quick action bar has been dismissed.


Returns an array of the unique identifiers for items that match the search term. The definition of 'match' is entirely up to you - you can perform any check you want

// Swift
func quickActionBar(
   _ quickActionBar: DSFQuickActionBar,
   identifiersForSearchTerm term: String
) -> [DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier]

// SwiftUI
func identifiersForSearch(_ term: String) -> [DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier]


Return the view to be displayed in the row for the item that matches the identifier.

// Swift
func quickActionBar(
   _ quickActionBar: DSFQuickActionBar,
   viewForIdentifier identifier: DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier
) -> NSView?

// SwiftUI
func viewForIdentifier<RowContent: View>(_ identifier: DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier) -> RowContent?


Indicates the user activated an item in the result list.

// Swift
func quickActionBar(
   _ quickActionBar: DSFQuickActionBar, 
   didSelectIdentifier identifier: DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier

// SwiftUI
func didSelectIdentifier(_ identifier: DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier)


Swift Example

Swift Example

A simple AppKit example using Core Image Filters as the contentSource.

class QuickActions: DSFQuickActionBarContentSource {

   /// DATA

   struct Filter {
      let identifier = DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier()
      let name: String
      var userPresenting: String { return CIFilter.localizedName(forFilterName: self.name) ?? self.name }
      var description: String { return CIFilter.localizedDescription(forFilterName: self.name) ?? "" }

   let AllFilters: [Filter] = {
      let filterNames = CIFilter.filterNames(inCategory: nil).sorted()
      return filterNames.map { name in Filter(name: name) }

   /// ACTIONS

   let quickActionBar = DSFQuickActionBar()

   func displayQuickActionBar() {
      self.quickActionBar.contentSource = self
         placeholderText: "Quick Actions",
         width: 600

   // Get all the identifiers for the actions that 'match' the term
   func quickActionBar(_: DSFQuickActionBar, identifiersForSearchTerm term: String) -> [DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier] {
      return self.actions
         .filter { $0.userPresenting.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(term) }
         .sorted(by: { a, b in a.userPresenting < b.userPresenting })
         .map { $0.identifier }

   // Get the row's view for the action with the specified identifier
   func quickActionBar(_: DSFQuickActionBar, viewForIdentifier identifier: DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier) -> NSView? {
      // Find the item with the specified item identifier
      guard let filter = self.actions.filter({ $0.identifier == identifier }).first else {
      return FilterRowView(filter)  // FilterRowView() is a NSView-derived class

   // Perform a task with the selected action
   func quickActionBar(_: DSFQuickActionBar, didSelectIdentifier identifier: DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier) {
      guard let filter = self.actions.filter({ $0.identifier == identifier }).first else {
      self.performAction(filter) // Do something with the selected filter

SwiftUI Example

SwiftUI Example

A simple macOS SwiftUI example using Core Image Filters as the contentSource.


struct Filter {
   let identifier = DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier()
   let name: String
   var userPresenting: String { return CIFilter.localizedName(forFilterName: self.name) ?? self.name }
   var description: String { return CIFilter.localizedDescription(forFilterName: self.name) ?? "" }

let AllFilters: [Filter] = {
   let filterNames = CIFilter.filterNames(inCategory: nil).sorted()
   return filterNames.map { name in Filter(name: name) }

SwiftUI View

struct ContentView: View {

   // Binding to update when the user selects a filter
   @State var selectedFilter: Filter?

   // A quick action bar that uses FilterViewCell to display each row in the results
   let quickActionBar = DSFQuickActionBar.SwiftUI<FilterRowCell>()

   var body: some View {
      Button("Show Quick Action Bar") {
            placeholderText: "Search Core Image Filters",
            contentSource: CoreImageFiltersContentSource(selectedFilter: $selectedFilter)

Content Source Definition

class CoreImageFiltersContentSource: DSFQuickActionBarSwiftUIContentSource {

   @Binding var selectedFilter: Filter?

   init(selectedFilter: Binding<Filter?>) {
      self._selectedFilter = selectedFilter

   func identifiersForSearch(_ term: String) -> [DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier] {
      if term.isEmpty { return [] }
      return AllFilters
         .filter { $0.userPresenting.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(term) }
         .sorted(by: { a, b in a.userPresenting < b.userPresenting } )
         .map { $0.id }

   func viewForIdentifier<RowContent>(_ identifier: DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier) -> RowContent? where RowContent: View {
      guard let filter = AllFilters.filter({ $0.id == identifier }).first else {
         return nil
      return FilterViewCell(filter: filter) as? RowContent

   func didSelectIdentifier(_ identifier: DSFQuickActionBar.ItemIdentifier) {
      guard let filter = AllFilters.filter({ $0.id == identifier }).first else {
      selectedFilter = filter

   func didCancel() {
      selectedFilter = nil

Filter Row View

struct FilterViewCell: View {
   let filter: Filter
   var body: some View {
      HStack {
            .frame(width: 42, height: 42)
         VStack(alignment: .leading) {


