A strong password generator in swift

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A password generetor, build a strong password in a simple way.


  • the password lenght had to be between 8 and 32 characteres.
  • can’t be a string.
  • can be assigned for empty name

OBS: The project may be had not a clean code, i’m working on.

How work it ?

First of all, you need to clone this repo, after this you’ll need to do a swift run or swift build and then you can execute the binary.

git clone https://github.com/Luizerz/PassGen.git
swift run || swift build

After this, will be created a folder named by .build, where you’ll find the binary executable. Be careful, in linux/macOS all .folders are hidden.

To execute properly you need to use a terminal and put the arguments.

Finally, on ./build go to debug folder (created by swift run || swift build as ./build) and there will be your binary executable file, they need to be called on terminal because the program need to arguments be wrote on input.

Example: ./passgen --size 12 --pass_name name

When you run the script, will be created a senhas.txtin your home directory to storage all passwords.

@Code by Luiz Sena at Apple Developer Academy


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