A swift crypto library to be convenient to use and support as many crypto methods as possible


This is a swift crypto library. It’s made to be convenient to use and support as many crypto methods as possible.


  • Symmetric Cipher
  • Asymmetric Cipher
  • Digest
  • HMAC


Swift Package Manager

Once you have your Swift package set up, you add this code to your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/LoniQin/Crypto", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.3.0"))

In Xcode, you can choose File->Swift Packages->Add Pakcage dependancies, and add https://github.com/LoniQin/Crypto.

Symmetric Cipher

How to use

import Crypto
do {
    let data = try "I am fine".data(.utf8)
    let key = try "1111111111111111".data(.ascii)
    let iv = try "1111111111111111".data(.ascii)
    let cipher = SymmetricCipher(.aes, key: key, iv: iv)
    // Encrypt data
    let encrypted = try cipher.encrypt(data)
    // Decrypt data
    let decrypted = try cipher.decrypt(encrypted)
    print(try encrypted.string(.base64))
    print(try decrypted.string(.utf8))
} catch let error {


import Crypto
do {
    let plainText = "I am fine"
    var key = "1111111111111111"
    var iv = "1111111111111111"
    // AES
    print(try plainText.process(.aes(.encrypt, key: key, iv: iv)))
    iv = "11111111"
    // RC2
    print(try plainText.process(.rc2(.encrypt, key: key, iv: iv)))
    // CAST
    print(try plainText.process(.cast(.encrypt, key: key, iv: iv)))
    print(try plainText.process(.blowfish(.encrypt, key: key, iv: iv)))
    // Tripple DES
    key = "111111111111111111111111"
    print(try plainText.process(.des3(.encrypt, key: key, iv: iv)))
    // RC4
    print(try plainText.process(.rc4(.encrypt, key: key, iv: iv)))
} catch let error {

Iterate possible combinations

Now I iterate combinations of algorithms and modes with following code:

import Crypto

do {
    let plainText = "Hello world"
    print("Plain text: \(plainText)")
    for algorithm in SymmetricCipher.Algorithm.allCases {
        for mode in SymmetricCipher.Mode.allCases {
            let key = try algorithm.generateRandomKey()
            let iv = mode.needsIV() ? algorithm.generateRandomIV() : Data()
            let cipher = SymmetricCipher(algorithm, key: key, iv: iv, mode: mode)
            if cipher.isValid {
                let data = plainText.data(using: .utf8)!
                let encrypted = try cipher.process(.encrypt, data)
                print("Algorithm: \(String(describing: algorithm).uppercased())")
                print("Mode: \(String(describing: mode).uppercased())")
                print("key: \(key.hex)")
                if mode.needsIV() {
                    print("iv: \(iv.hex)")
                print("Cipher text: \(encrypted.hex)")
                let decrypted = try cipher.process(.decrypt, encrypted)
} catch let error {
Plain text: Hello world
Algorithm: AES
Mode: ECB
key: 4d992cdf76296a11f3c06f2f2af195de6d2af4b28e031139
Cipher text: a348177ed2f96da2f8ac96dc9dc6846c
Algorithm: AES
Mode: CBC
key: fc085bae49c92087ffc31aec26c8b3aeee0a8fb9daf5583b
iv: 340d35798f0a53bf86d95bc96e118a83
Cipher text: 3e0f8bb3a6e6a7787f944f2276003688
Algorithm: AES
Mode: CFB
key: 7a54627df1b3b9bad754393b3a55d1f6384bdcc4bbf186e0
iv: 0fd4b19136d1e8cc58ad694519a037e3
Cipher text: 7a633a7ada898471120dde
Algorithm: AES
Mode: CTR
key: f2aba580516b652f68ef4e4da912664b34b7aacc8682d355
iv: 8ac347d99fe820f75a7de7e5e2f12b4e
Cipher text: ca9cccc2eb901827baf21d
Algorithm: AES
Mode: OFB
key: 83ad872fe7828126b3cd74c968ae5b9716cd92e5d413c1df
iv: ebbbe10615a0da49754b5a0d56507f65
Cipher text: 8ded1a3670773bf0a20f31
Algorithm: AES
Mode: CFB8
key: b92f55c77f9868e68ff70219bbcf6c4a0df47dda75130289
iv: 49fd12e73ef23cfe40bf509f93a2ef05
Cipher text: 5e489e2e2a198c61dc1fa8
Algorithm: DES
Mode: ECB
key: 3a3643592bd9d2e4
Cipher text: 404acc5da2ae2517599ca47c5c960903
Algorithm: DES
Mode: CBC
key: cd8093d1b37a4a93
iv: fa989bf4cd6dbce2
Cipher text: 325079b69f2012643802568c73d8ecf9
Algorithm: DES
Mode: CFB
key: bdf530051b8ec87d
iv: fb6a1df23630c0a4
Cipher text: 78cc623ada8d1212e1c0dc
Algorithm: DES
Mode: CTR
key: 2e90421b2ddc2532
iv: 7955cd4a86f8b06d
Cipher text: e9f8d127d1d3ad09d73da0
Algorithm: DES
Mode: OFB
key: f105186bed0ffb46
iv: cf303af23df1cf5d
Cipher text: 727b264dcb6e7ae5680730
Algorithm: DES
Mode: CFB8
key: 98a3512234ebd41d
iv: a1ec192dc2e243fd
Cipher text: 0f340713b739e12282fbfe
Algorithm: DES3
Mode: ECB
key: 428ebaade12a0bc141f837c55dc995a98f9600c8b7ceb919
Cipher text: b86ae0b73c2c68dc9ad9766081c122ec
Algorithm: DES3
Mode: CBC
key: 0397a2b96055fe087bfaffd09f195798fd9091a12d8d8e65
iv: 0d92ff84499b876a
Cipher text: 619937209fa0047ba9a5acbcb1995fe8
Algorithm: DES3
Mode: CFB
key: ae485ed6af7c518da5890a4c3c6c5b8fe6b33a15ac55b574
iv: f039e5c1dacc2a83
Cipher text: 57fe5bcd47c4f483b421e1
Algorithm: DES3
Mode: CTR
key: 9aa41fe97f3dc5c99d456a6025e4ac879ae17866d3b98df0
iv: 2984597320d695f6
Cipher text: 0f260d4a8801044ebf0b64
Algorithm: DES3
Mode: OFB
key: b413d2692716e904fa94c962a8d3940bc71d7df87b5b085b
iv: 2a2020c15704f6fb
Cipher text: 6a8a33c664049f5c0716ca
Algorithm: DES3
Mode: CFB8
key: 60c49172c12c1d42c59daa98a9d01dc9552699d2c4fdc869
iv: 2f124c1ec19adaf5
Cipher text: 57fe5790785efbe6288fb9
Algorithm: CAST
Mode: ECB
key: 63ccd1fe86ad6815
Cipher text: d82d6fd0d9dddda1540711b098efef4c
Algorithm: CAST
Mode: CBC
key: 7cdc8926804f9d2d
iv: ab275c13e470ffa6
Cipher text: c1cd635d2549a87cb01b2db16d532cb5
Algorithm: CAST
Mode: CFB
key: 4d2e8cc6b397dcbe
iv: 99709d74bd99a425
Cipher text: 53698bd420b73e784a7640
Algorithm: CAST
Mode: CTR
key: d933c3e609023732
iv: f240de08d869850a
Cipher text: 5cf465c9ff4663b1156f1e
Algorithm: CAST
Mode: OFB
key: 5a3a1109a32224b2
iv: f4eb2a9d66b5f825
Cipher text: c14debd0c3e28210651949
Algorithm: CAST
Mode: CFB8
key: 374f22bfc88dc9bb
iv: 46bb46f8104c1be2
Cipher text: cd0796583123e8ffe69ade
Algorithm: RC4
Mode: RC4
key: ca9cc68032186c3b
iv: 65d276af3e668e23
Cipher text: 90a9f22146b3eb0b71dadd
Algorithm: RC2
Mode: ECB
key: f1ddc2f3f95d952b
Cipher text: f0c7dad6c87674022b50ba5210762419
Algorithm: RC2
Mode: CBC
key: d188d566477e93dc
iv: 90dd22e5001dcf92
Cipher text: 9beb0dd8635790c365f9fd606a3800fd
Algorithm: RC2
Mode: CFB
key: 57e9a7b3b622820d
iv: 64ecc68304a1b7f1
Cipher text: 826320084b03d4c0568e39
Algorithm: RC2
Mode: CTR
key: f8fc289d0140f58a
iv: 4f9fd9838e8a8146
Cipher text: 5321651da3383e78bb4c44
Algorithm: RC2
Mode: OFB
key: 8deef6a79fed8d44
iv: e390d7d401b730f8
Cipher text: 62e03414db2512c764e7c2
Algorithm: RC2
Mode: CFB8
key: 7ce4db22505ac35e
iv: 818808ce55f1f1ff
Cipher text: 8872d97d8a7817cba5ea32
Algorithm: BLOWFISH
Mode: ECB
key: b746ca608990a925
Cipher text: 57605d4b88a5cab5c3780fe2e8aea38d
Algorithm: BLOWFISH
Mode: CBC
key: 1461b599b6e35bce
iv: 2427d1f8ee000c7b
Cipher text: 8e03a61aaf5e66464d4dc82e44a6858c
Algorithm: BLOWFISH
Mode: CFB
key: da380b343d520e4d
iv: a2b8e8f6c60fe08b
Cipher text: 4e47af9036c0163d81cfba
Algorithm: BLOWFISH
Mode: CTR
key: d6c0ed86f77c589d
iv: 28ba065d5b44b2a1
Cipher text: 8f643839e271f0f3b7475c
Algorithm: BLOWFISH
Mode: OFB
key: cb47e18f2a2285dd
iv: a5a5d1a12cf78303
Cipher text: 63777f0c4ccab413ea39d5
Algorithm: BLOWFISH
Mode: CFB8
key: 61f1c0d35a420070
iv: 7630adb075b68a52
Cipher text: 9de4f17afe83fa720ae781

Supported Algorithms

  • AES
  • DES
  • Tripple DES
  • Cast
  • RC4
  • RC2
  • Blowfish

Supported Cipher Modes

  • ECB
  • CBC
  • CFB
  • CTR
  • OFB
  • RC4
  • CFB8

Supported paddings

  • NoPadding
  • PKCS7Padding

There are some exceptions: RC4 algorithm only supports RC4 Cipher Mode, other algorithms can’t use RC4 mode. And ECB mode and CBC mode don’t support NoPadding.

Check whether an algorithm supports certain mode and padding

import Crypto

print(SymmetricCipher.Algorithm.aes.isValid(mode: .ctr, padding: .pkcs7))
// prints true
print(SymmetricCipher.Algorithm.rc4.isValid(mode: .ctr, padding: .none))
// prints false

Key size and IV size

When we use Symmetric Cipher, it’s important to know the valid key size and iv size.

import Crypto

// Get possible key sizes of AES algorithm
// prints [16, 24, 32]
// Get iv size of AES algorithm in CBC mode
print(SymmetricCipher.Algorithm.aes.ivSize(mode: .cbc))
// prints 16
// Get iv size of AES algorithm in ECB mode
print(SymmetricCipher.Algorithm.aes.ivSize(mode: .ecb))
// prints 0
// Test whether key size is valid


How to use

import Crypto

do {
    let plainText = "Hello world"
    let data = try plainText.data(.utf8)
    let digest = try Digest.sha256.process(data).string(.hex)
    print("Plain text: \(plainText)")
    print("SHA256: \(digest)")
} catch let error {
Plain text: Hello world
SHA256: 64ec88ca00b268e5ba1a35678a1b5316d212f4f366b2477232534a8aeca37f3c


do {
    let plainText = "I am fine"
    print(try plainText.process(.md5))
    print(try plainText.process(.sha1))
    print(try plainText.process(.sha256))
} catch let error {

Iterate all algorithms

import Crypto

let plainText = "hello world"
print("Plain text: \(plainText)")
for digest in Digest.allCases {
    let digested = digest.process(plainText.data(using: .utf8)!)
Plain text: hello world

Supported Algorithms

  • MD2
  • MD4
  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA224
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512


How to use

import Crypto

do {
    let hmac = try HMAC(.sha256, key: "11111111111111111111".data(.hex))
    print("Result: \(try hmac.process(try "Hello world".data(.utf8)).string(.hex))")
} catch let error {


import Crypto

let plainText = "I am fine"
let key = "11111111111111111111"
do {
    print(try plainText.process(.hmacmd5(key: key)))
    print(try plainText.process(.hmacsha256(key: key)))
} catch let error {

Iterate all algorithms

import Crypto

do {
    for algorithm in HMAC.Algorithm.allCases {
        print(try "Hello world".process(.hmac(algorithm, key: "11111111111111111111")))
} catch let error {

Supported Algorithms

  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA224
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512

