A Swift lib for network with async/await
A Swift network utility with async/await applied
enum MockEndpoint {
case weather(cityId: String)
extension MockEndpoint: SmileEndpoint {
var baseURL: String {
return "http://t.weather.sojson.com/"
var path: String {
switch self {
case let .weather(cityId):
return "api/weather/city/\(cityId)"
var method: SmileNetworkMethod {
return .get
var header: [String: String]? {
return ["Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8"]
var queryParams: [String: String]? {
return nil
var body: [String: String]? {
return nil
protocol WeatherServiceAble {
func requestWeather(cityId: String) async -> Result<WeatherResponse, SmileNetworkError>
struct WeatherService: WeatherServiceAble, SmileNetwork {
func requestWeather(cityId: String) async -> Result<WeatherResponse, SmileNetworkError> {
return await sendRequest(endPoint: MockEndpoint.weather(cityId: cityId), responseType: WeatherResponse.self)
/// Request
let api = WeatherService()
Task {
let resut = await api.requestWeather(cityId: "101030100")
switch resut {
case let .success(data):
let city = "城市: \(data.cityInfo.city)\n"
let shidu = "湿度: \(data.data.shidu)\n"
let pm25 = "PM2.5: \(data.data.pm25)\n"
let pm10 = "PM10: \(data.data.pm10)\n"
let wendu = "温度: \(data.data.wendu)°C\n"
label.text = city + shidu + pm25 + pm10 + wendu
case let .failure(error):
label.text = error.localizedDescription