A Swift library to display and manipulate Hashtags as a list


Hashtags is a Swift library for displaying, customizing and interacting with a list of #hashtags.

:star: Features

  • Simplistic and easy to use
  • Fully customizable
  • Dynamic height

? Example

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

? Requirements

Hashtags requires iOS 9 and Swift 4

? Installation

Hashtags is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Hashtags'

? Usage


1) Create a Hashtag

let tag = HashTag(word: "hashtag")
let tag = HashTag(word: "hashtag", withHashSymbol: false)
let tag = HashTag(word: "hashtag", withHashSymbol: true, isRemovable: true)

The boolean isRemovable defines if the hashtag can be removed from the list, by displaying a button next to it. The boolean withHashSymbol allows to automatically display a '#' symbol before the word.

NOTE: By default, the hashtag will display the hash symbol and won't be removable.

2) Create the view

You can use the Hashtags view either directly from the code, or through your Interface Builder.

With code:
var hashtags = HashtagView(frame: ...)

hashtags.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray
hashtags.tagBackgroundColor = UIColor.blue
hashtags.cornerRadius = 5.0
hashtags.tagCornerRadius = 5.0
hashtags.tagPadding = 5.0
hashtags.horizontalTagSpacing = 7.0
hashtags.verticalTagSpacing = 5.0

With Interface Builder:

Simply define a UIView and set its class to HashtagsView. You're all set.

3) Add hashtags to the view

let hashtag = ...
hashtagsView.addTag(tag: tag)

You can add one, or multiples hashtags at the time. Same if you want to remove them.

func addTag(tag: HashTag)
func addTags(tags: [HashTag])
func removeTag(tag: HashTag)
func removeTags()

Dynamic height

You may want to expand the size of your HashtagView when the hashtags exceed the actual size of the view.

To do so, implement HashtagsViewResizingDelegate :

UIViewController: HashtagsViewResizingDelegate {
	func viewShouldResizeTo(size: CGSize) {
		// Your code here


One good way to expand the height of your HashtagsView when needed is to set a height constraint on it (from the code or interface builder). Then you can modify the constant property of the constraint when the view needs to be expanded. Add an animation and you got it !

UIViewController: HashtagsViewResizingDelegate {
    func viewShouldResizeTo(size: CGSize) {
        guard let constraint = self.heightConstraint else {
        constraint.constant = size.height
        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.4) {

NOTE: If you are using interface builder, you might want to link your height constraint to your parent view with an @IBOutlet. Check our example project for more details.

? Customization


You can change style attributes of the view and the design of the hashtags themselves.

Padding inside the whole view:
  • containerPaddingLeft

  • containerPaddingRight

  • containerPaddingTop

  • containerPaddingBottom

Padding inside each hashtag:
  • tagPaddingLeft

  • tagPaddingRight

  • tagPaddingTop

  • tagPaddingBottom

Spacing between hashtags:
  • horizontalTagSpacing

  • verticalTagSpacing

Hashtags appearance:
  • tagCornerRadius

  • tagBackgroundColor

  • tagTextColor

  • removeButtonSize

  • removeButtonSpacing

If you decided to define the view from Interface Builder, you have access to those values too.
