A swift library to inject your dependencies via property wrappers


A library to inject your dependencies via property wrappers


DependencyInjection allows you to define the dependencies of your app. It exposes a property wrapper to make easier the injection in your instances. Every instance can be resolved at three different levels:

  • instance: Resolves a unique instance across the entire app
  • shared: Resolves the instance and allows it to be reused if it is needed on another object
  • global: The instance will act as a singleton


There are two separate steps when using DependencyInjection

Register dependecies

let module: Module = {
    instance(TypeAContract.self, TypeA.self)
    shared(TypeBContract.self, TypeB.self)
    global(TypeCContract.self, TypeC.self)

startInjection {

Injecting instance

To inject an instance you can just use the property wrapper:

protocol Definition: Injectable {}
class Implementation: Definition {}

@Injected var instance: Definition // It will be Implementation


This library can be used on iOS, macOS, iPadOS, watchOS and tvOS as it only relies on Foundation framework


You can use the Swift Package Manager by declaring DependencyInjection as a dependency in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "https://github.com/AlbGarciam/DependencyInjection", from: "0.1.0")

DependencyInjection exposes 2 versions of the library, a static and a dynamic version.


  • Contributions are very welcome.
  • Attribution is appreciated (let’s spread the word!), but not mandatory.


Alberto García – @AlbGarciam


DependencyInjection is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

