A Swift package contains libraries for NFC and QRCode reading please use them as described below


This package contains libraries for NFC and QRCode reading please use them as described below.

Both nfc reading and qrcode scanning requires to add keys on info.plist file. for example:

    <string>ezeep Blue uses the Camera to scan QR Codes.</string>

    <string>ezeep Blue uses the NFC to pick up print jobs from an enabled printer.</string>

For NFC sanning:

    let nfcReader = NFCReader()

    private func readNFC(){
     nfcReader.addOnError { error in
         // put here the code to handle the error

     nfcReader.addOnRead { result in
         // put here the code to handle the scanned tag content


Remember to keep an instance of the NFCReader object untill the scan is completed.

For QR Code scanning:

    private func readQRCode(){
      let scanner = QRScanner(presenter: delegate)
      scanner.beginScanning({ scannedCode in
          // put here the code to handle the scanned code
      }, { error in
          // put here the code to handle the error

If you want you may also inject a QR code validator. This is the protocol

public protocol QRValidator {
    func isValid(scanResult: String) -> Bool

this is an example already implemented inside the library to validate urls.

public class URLValidator: QRValidator {

    public init() {}

    public func isValid(scanResult: String) -> Bool {
        let detector = try! NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType.link.rawValue)
        if let match = detector.firstMatch(in: scanResult, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: scanResult.utf16.count)) {
            // it is a link, if the match covers the whole string
            return match.range.length == scanResult.utf16.count
        } else {
            return false

To inject the validator create the istance

    let scanner = QRScanner(qrValidator: URLValidator(), presenter: delegate)


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