A Swift package for easy and intuitive camera handling

Aespa. Ready-to-go package for easy and intuitive camera handling


Aespa is a robust and intuitive Swift package for video capturing, built with a focus on the ease of setting up and usage.

  • This package provides a high-level API over Apple’s AVFoundation framework, abstracting away its complexity and making it straightforward for developers to implement video capturing functionalities in their iOS applications.

  • This package provides a clean, user-friendly API for common video recording tasks, including starting and stopping recording, managing audio settings, adjusting video quality, setting camera position, etc.


User-friendly Interface


graph LR
User --> RP["Permission Request"]
RP -- "Granted" --> AS["AVCaptureSession"]
AS -- "Connect" --> AI["AVCaptureVideoInput"]
AS -- "Connect" --> AIA["AVCaptureAudioInput"]
AS -- "Add" --> FO["AVCaptureFileOutput"]
FO --> PHCollectionListChangeRequest


graph LR
   User --"AespaOption"--> Aespa --"Aespa.configure()"--> Session

  • Aespa provides an accessible API that abstracts the complexity of AVFoundation, allowing you to manage video capturing tasks with ease.

Adaptable Configuration & Custom Tuning

graph TD
AS --> RV["Recording a new video"]
AS --> Se["Change zoom, video quailty, camera position, ..."]
AS --> AV["Set options like stabilization, orientation ,..."]
AS --> D["Fetching asset files"]

  • With Aespa, you can readily adjust a variety of settings.
  • For a higher degree of customization, it also supports the creation of custom tunings for the recording session, offering flexible control over your recording needs.

Reactive Programming & Async Support

graph LR;
    A[Session update] -->|Trigger| B[previewLayerPublisher, ...]
    B -->|React to Changes| C[Subscribers]

		E[Background Thread] --Async--> F["Configure session"] --Finish--> A

  • Aespa’s API leverages Swift’s latest concurrency model to provide asynchronous functions, ensuring smooth and efficient execution of tasks.
  • Additionally, it is built with Combine in mind, enabling you to handle updates such as video output and preview layer reactively using publishers and subscribers.

Error Handling

  • The package provides comprehensive error handling, allowing you to build robust applications with minimal effort.

Note Aespa is designed to be easy to use for both beginners and experienced developers.

If you’re new to video recording on iOS or if you’re looking to simplify your existing recording setup, Aespa could be the perfect fit for your project.



  • Swift 5.4+
  • iOS 14.0+

Getting started

let aespaOption = AespaOption(albumName: "YOUR_ALBUM_NAME")
let aespaSession = Aespa.session(with: aespaOption)

Task(priority: .background) {
    try await Aespa.configure()

Warning Please ensure to call configure within a background execution context. Neglecting to do so may lead to significantly reduced responsiveness in your application. (reference)

Now you can use…

Methods – description


mute() throws -> Self
  • Used to mute the audio during a recording session.
unmute() throws -> Self
  • Used to add the audio for a recording session.


setQuality(to preset: AVCaptureSession.Preset) throws -> Self
  • Used to adjust the quality of the recording session.
  • It accepts a parameter of type AVCaptureSession.Preset which is used to set the quality.
setPosition(to position: AVCaptureDevice.Position) throws -> Self
  • Used to set the position of the capture device (camera).
  • It accepts a parameter of type AVCaptureDevice.Position which can be front or back.
setOrientation(to orientation: AVCaptureVideoOrientation) -> Self
  • Used to set the video orientation during a recording session.
  • It accepts a parameter of type AVCaptureVideoOrientation.
setStabilization(mode: AVCaptureVideoStabilizationMode) -> Self
  • Used to set the video stabilization mode.
  • It accepts a parameter of type AVCaptureVideoStabilizationMode.


zoom(factor: CGFloat) -> Self
  • Used to adjust the zoom level during a recording session.
  • It accepts a CGFloat as an input for the zoom level.


fetchVideoFiles(limit: Int = 0) -> [VideoFile]
  • Used to fetch video files that were recorded.
  • It accepts an optional parameter to limit the number of fetched video files.
  • If no parameter is given, it returns all the recorded video files.
doctor() async throws
  • This function is used to check the minimum required conditions for starting a recording session.
  • It checks for capture authorization status, session running status, connection existence, and device attachment.
  • If any of these checks fail, it throws an AespaError.
Publishers – description
videoFilePublisher: AnyPublisher<Result<VideoFile, Error>, Never>
  • This publisher emits an event every time a video file is recorded.
  • The event contains a Result that wraps a VideoFile instance in case of success, or an Error in case of failure.
  • The publisher never completes, which means it continues to emit events as long as the AespaSession instance is alive.
previewLayerPublisher: AnyPublisher<AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer, Never>
  • This publisher emits an AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer instance whenever the preview layer is updated.
  • The AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer instance can be used to display a camera preview on the user interface.
  • Similar to the videoFilePublisher, this publisher never completes and continues to emit events as long as the AespaSession instance is alive.

Implementation Exapmles

Start & stop recording

do {
    try aespaSession
        .setStabilization(mode: .auto)
        .setPosition(to: .front)
        .setQuality(to: .hd1920x1080)
} catch {
    print("Failed to start recording")

// Later...
try? aespaSession.stopRecording()

Subscribing publihser

// Subscribe file publisher 
    .receive(on: DispatchQueue.global(qos: .utility))
    .sink { [weak self] status in
        guard let self else { return }
        if case .failure(let error) = status {
            // Handle error in here...
            // ex. try? self.stopRecordingVideo()
        } else {
            // Handle captured file in here...
    .store(in: &subsriptions)


Contributions to Aespa are warmly welcomed. Please feel free to submit a pull request or create an issue if you find a bug or have a feature request.


Aespa is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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