A swift package for Random-Access Stored-Program machine simulations


A swift package to facilitate simple simulations of Random-Access Stored-Program (RASP) machines.


Add the following to your Package.swift file, or add this url as a dependency to your Xcode project.

.package(url: "https://github.com/benrobinson16/RASPKit", branch: "main")


You can write a program in one of two ways: using an “assembly language” syntax or type-safe swift arrays.

Raw Instructions

Initialise an array of Instruction structs, providing the operation, addressing mode and value for each instruction. Note you must manually provide the locations of instructions/variables. Variables are always in registers immediately following the instructions.

For example, the following is a multiplication of two numbers:

let multiply: [Instruction] = [
    .init(.load, .direct, 11),
    .init(.add, .direct, 9),
    .init(.store, .immediate, 11),
    .init(.load, .direct, 10),
    .init(.subtract, .immediate, 1),
    .init(.store, .immediate, 10),
    .init(.branchIfZero, .immediate, 8),
    .init(.jump, .immediate, 0),
    .init(.halt, .immediate, 0)

This can be converted into raw machine code/integers like so:

let machineCode = multiply.map { $0.encode() }

See below for a description of operations and addressing modes.

Assembly Language

You can also use a form of assembly language, which will manage the memory locations of variables and lines of code for you.

In general, the syntax is as follows:

  • Write an instruction in the form <opcode> <addressing_mode><operand> with exactly one per line.
  • Addressing mode can be # (immediate), R (contents of register), RR (contents of register pointed to).
  • Define variables using an entire line in the form $define variable_name.
    • Note that variables will be stored in the order they are defined immediately following the instructions in memory.
  • When using a variable, still specify the addressing mode but replace the operand with the variable name.
  • Load from a variable with LDA Rvariable_name; store to a variable with STR #variable_name.
  • #variable_name gives location of a variable; Rvariable_name gives value at variable.
  • Label lines in form @<line_name>: <opcode> <addressing_mode><operand>.
  • Access labels like an addressing mode and operand pair: JMP @<line_label>
  • In general @<line_label> provides the address of the labelled line (in case you want to store it in a variable).

Here is an example program to multiply two numbers, equivalent to the above manual program:

let multiply = """
$define numA
$define numB
$define output

@loop: LDA Routput
STR #output
SUB #1
STR #numB
BZE @final
JMP @loop
@final: HLT

This can be assembled into machine code like so:

let assembler = Assembler()
let machineCode = try assembler.assemble(multiply)

Running the Code

To run the code, a machine must be created and then the registers of instructions and variables must be provided. You must provide the input/initial values of the variables.

let m1 = RandomAccessMachine() // Creates a machine with 1024 registers by default
let m2 = RandomAccessMachine(numRegisters: 2048) // Creates a machine with 2048 registers
let m3 = RandomAccessMachine(registers: machineCode) // Creates a machine with 1024 registers starting with the provided instructions
let m4 = RandomAccessMachine(instructions: machineCode, variables: [a, b, c], blankRegisters: 2) // Creates a machine with the machine code, followed by variables, followed by blank spaced in memory

For our example above, we need two variables pre-populated and another one for the output. We can run it to multipl 2 * 5 like so:

let machineCode = // Our compiled instructions
let machine = RandomAccessMachine(instructions: machineCode, variables: [2, 5], blankRegisters: 1)
print(machine.registers.last) // The output is in the final register


Opcode Operation Name Description
HLT Halt Ends the computation (operand ignored)
LDA Load Loads the operand into the accumulator
STR Store Stores the value in the accumulator in the provided register
ADD Add Adds the operand to the accumulator
SUB Subtract Subtracts the operand from the accumulator
AND And Performs a bitwise AND operation on the accumulator with the operand
ORR Or Performs a bitwise OR operation on the accumulator with the operand
XOR Xor Performs a bitwise exclusive or (XOR) operation on the accumulator with the operand
NOT Not Performs a bitwise NOT operation on the accumulator (operand ignored)
LSL Logical shift left Shift bits in the accumulator to the left by the number of times in the operand
LSR Logical shift right Shift bits in the accumulator to the right by the number of times in the operand
BZE Branch if zero Go to the instruction at the register specified by the operand if the accumulator is zero
BNE Branch if negative Go to the instruction at the register specified by the operand if the accumulator is < 0
BPO Branch if positive Go to the instruction at the register specified by the operand if the accumulator is > 0
BNZ Branch if not zero Go to the instruction at the register specified by the operand if the accumulator if not zero
JMP Jump Go unconditionally to the instruction at the register specified by the operand

Addressing Modes

Prefix Addressing Mode Name Description
# Immediate Uses the value directly specified in the operand.
R Direct Uses the value in the register whose address is specified in the operand.
RR Indirect Uses the value in the register whose address is in the register whose address is specified in the operand.

In other words:

  • Immediate: Operand
  • Direct: Operand –> Register
  • Indirect: Operand –> Register –> Register


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