A Swift Package that extends the functionality of the String data type


StringEnhancer is a Swift package that extends the functionality of the String type, making it easier to work with and manipulate strings in various ways. With StringEnhancer, you can format numeric strings, create unique strings, calculate the size of a string when rendered with a specific font, and more.


  • Formatting numbers with separators
  • Finding indices of characters using a closure
  • Replacing all occurrences of a character
  • Capitalizing the first letter of a string
  • Creating unique strings within a given array
  • Adding index numbers to strings
  • Subscript functionality for strings
  • Converting strings to images
  • Calculating the width, height, and size of a string using a specific font


Add the StringEnhancer package to your project using the Swift Package Manager.


Subscript functionality

The subscript functionality allows you to access and manipulate parts of a string easily.

let sample = "Hello, World!"

print(sample[0]) // "H"
print(sample[1...5]) // "ello,"
print(sample[7..<13]) // "World!"

Numeric formatting with separators

let number: Int = 123456789
print(number.formattedWithSeparator) // "123 456 789"

Finding indices of characters

let text = "Hello, World!"
let indices = text.indices(forCharactersWhere: { $0 == "l" })
print(indices) // [2, 3, 10]

Replacing all occurrences of a character

var text = "Hello, World!"
text.replaceAll(ofCharacter: "l", with: "L")
print(text) // "HeLLo, WorLd!"

Capitalizing the first letter

var text = "hello, world!"
print(text) // "Hello, world!"

Creating unique strings

let existingStrings = ["abc", "def", "ghi"]
let uniqueString = String(uniqueIn: existingStrings)
print(uniqueString) // "jkl" or any other unique string not in the array

Adding index numbers to strings

var text = "Example"
print(text) // "Example 2"

Converting strings to images

let text = "Hello, World!"
let font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20)
if let image = text.toImage(font: font) {
    // Use the image as needed

Calculating the width, height, and size of a string using a specific font

let text = "Hello, World!"
let font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20)

let width = text.widthOfString(usingFont: font) // Width of the string
let height = text.heightOfString(usingFont: font) // Height of the string
let size = text.sizeOfString(usingFont: font) // CGSize containing width and height


StringEnhancer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.


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