A Swift tool for generating module dependency graphs from your .xcodeproj
What is this?
XcodeTargetGraphGen is a Swift command-line tool that interprets .xcodeproj
files to create a visual depiction of module-level internal dependencies using Mermaid diagram syntax. By supporting multiple package managers, it enables users to visually map out the structure and dependencies of Xcode projects across various environments, providing a clear and comprehensible graphical representation of these relationships.
The supported package managers are as follows:
- Swift Package Manager
- Carthage
- CocoaPods (only supports the old format that does not use .xcfilelist)
Swift Package Manager
Use as CLI
git clone https://github.com/CuriositySoftware/XcodeTargetGraphGen.git
cd XcodeTargetGraphGen
swift run xcgraphgen [project-file-path]
Simply run:
xcgraphgen [project-file-path] [OPTIONS...]
$ xcgraphgen -h
OVERVIEW: Output Xcode Target Dependency Graph.
USAGE: xcgraphgen [<options>] <project-file-path>
<project-file-path> .xcodeproj file path.
--output-file-path <output-file-path>
Output file path. (default: ./dependencies.md)
--mermaid-theme <mermaid-theme>
Select Mermaid theme type (eg: neutral, forest, dark, base). (default: dark)
--mermaid-syntax-type <mermaid-syntax-type>
Select Mermaid syntax type. (default: flowchart)
--mermaid-chart-direction <mermaid-chart-direction>
Select Mermaid graph/flowchart direction. (default: TD)
Targeting Swift Package Product for output. (default: --disable-swift-package-output)
Targeting Apple SDKs for output. (default: --disable-apple-sdk-output)
Targeting Carthage for output. (default: --enable-carthage-output)
Targeting CocoaPods SDKs for output (only old format without .xcfilelist). (default: --enable-cocoa-pods-output)
Targeting vendor project for output. (default: --disable-vendor-output)
--dry-run Output to console without file output
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.
swift run -c release xcgraphgen ./SampleiOSApp/SampleiOSApp.xcodeproj/
%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%% flowchart TD style SampleiOSApp stroke-width:4px subgraph Swift Package Algorithms["Algorithms"] end subgraph Swift Package Local Utility["Utility"] end subgraph Carthage APIKit.xcframework["APIKit.xcframework"] end subgraph Native Target APIClient["APIClient"] AppFeature["AppFeature"] FeatureA["FeatureA"] FeatureB["FeatureB"] SampleiOSApp["SampleiOSApp"] SampleiOSAppTests["SampleiOSAppTests"] SampleiOSAppUITests["SampleiOSAppUITests"] end FeatureB --> APIClient FeatureB --> Algorithms AppFeature --> FeatureA AppFeature --> FeatureB SampleiOSAppTests --> SampleiOSApp SampleiOSAppUITests --> SampleiOSApp FeatureA --> APIClient SampleiOSApp --> AppFeature APIClient --> Utility APIClient --> APIKit.xcframework
Other libraries
The Swift and iOS communities have other tools for Xcode that have different priorities and tradeoffs than XcodeTargetGraphGen.