A Swift wrapper for the Scryfall API

ScryfallApi is a Swift wrapper for the Scryfall API. It is used in the production Gauntlet app for iOS.

Please consider donating to Scryfall. They provide an awesome service, for free. Donations to Scryfall help them pay hosting costs and reimburse community members who provide data and images.

Please read Scryfall’s Rate Limits & Good Citizenship before continuing.


Sending a single request

let scryfall = Scryfall()
let request = ScryfallApi.AutocompleteCardName(candidate: "llanowar el")

do {
    let response = try await scryfall.send(request: request)
} catch {
    print("Scryfall returned an error: \(error)")

Sending multiple requests

let scryfall = Scryfall()
let cardRequest1 = ScryfallApi.GetCard(exactName: "Maelstrom Wanderer")
let cardRequest2 = ScryfallApi.GetCard(exactName: "Llanowar Elves")
let cardRequest3 = ScryfallApi.GetCard(exactName: "Seton, Krosan Protector")
let requests = [cardRequest1, cardRequest2, cardRequest3]

do {
    let responses = try await scryfall.send(requests: requests)
} catch {
    print("Scryfall returned an error: \(error)")

Adding new requests

ScryfallApi provides pre-built requests for all Scryfall endpoints out-of-the-box.

However, adding a new request is simple. Your request object/type just needs to implement ScryfallRequest. Note that the ScryfallApi adds all request and response types to the public ScryfallApi namespace – this is not required.


  • path: The path component for the underlying URLRequest.
  • urlQueryItems: Build the query component for the underlying URLRequest.
  • httpMethod: Populate the http method, headers, and body for the underlying URLRequest.
  • Response: Every request must specify a Codable response that it expects to receive from the Scryfall API.

extension ScryfallApi {
    struct ExampleRequest: ScryfallRequest {
        typealias Response = ExampleResponse
        let path: String = "/some/path"
        let urlQueryItems: [URLQueryItem] = []
        let httpMethod: HTTPMethod = .GET

    struct ExampleResponse: Equatable, Codable {
        let value1: String
        let value2: String
        let valueN: String


Query for a catalog of up to 20 full english card names that could be autocompletions of the candidate string. See full Scryfall documentation.

  • Parameter candidate: The candidate string to autocomplete.
  • Parameter includeExtras: If true, extra cards (tokens, planes, vanguards, etc) will be included.

let request = ScryfallApi.AutocompleteCardName(
    candidate: "llanowar el", 
    includeExtras: true


Query for a page containing all bulk data on Scryfall. This request does not accept any additional parameters. See full Scryfall documentation.

let request = ScryfallApi.GetAllBulkData()


Query for a page containing all card symbols on Scryfall. This request does not accept any additional parameters. See full Scryfall documentation.

let request = ScryfallApi.GetAllCardSymbols()


Query for a page containing all sets on Scryfall. This request does not accept any additional parameters. See full Scryfall documentation.

let request = ScryfallApi.GetAllSets()


Query for bulk data. See full Scryfall documentation.

  • Parameter id: The unique ID of the bulk data. Valid bulk data IDs can be retrieved from executing the GetAllBulkData request.
let request = ScryfallApi.GetBulkData(id: "922288cb-4bef-45e1-bb30-0c2bd3d3534f")
  • Parameter type: The bulk data type to query. Valid bulk data types can be retrieved from executing the GetAllBulkData request.
let request = ScryfallApi.GetBulkData(type: "all_cards")


Query for a single card. See full Scryfall documentation.

  • Parameter identifier: The card’s unique identifier, from a list of valid lookup identifiers supported by the Scryfall API.

let uuid = UUID(uuidString: "9129baf5-ffa9-4ffb-bcab-19d6a42dbfcc")
let request = ScryfallApi.GetCard(identifier: .scryfall(uuid))
  • Parameter setCode: A unique three to five-letter set code to limit the search to one set.
  • Parameter collectorNumber: The card’s collector number.
  • Parameter language: An optional 2-3 character language code.

let request = ScryfallApi.GetCard(
    setCode: "pc2",
    collectorNumber: "101",
    language: "en"
  • Parameter exactName: An exact card name to search for.
  • Parameter setCode: A unique three to five-letter set code to limit the search to one set. If a set code is not provided, the newest edition of the card will be returned.

let request = ScryfallApi.GetCard(
    exactName: "Maelstrom Wanderer",
    setCode: "pc2"
  • Parameter fuzzyName: A fuzzy card name to search for.
  • Parameter setCode: A unique three to five-letter set code to limit the search to one set. If a set code is not provided, the newest edition of the card will be returned.

let request = ScryfallApi.GetCard(
    fuzzyName: "MaElStr0m WaNderror",
    setCode: "pc2"


Query for page of cards with specific identifiers. See full Scryfall documentation.

Each submitted card identifier must be a JSON object with one or more valid identifier schema combinations. Multiple identifier schemas may be included in a single request. Each identifier will return up to one card.

Each POST to “/cards/collection” must contain at most 75 identifiers. If you have 75 > n <= Int.max identifiers, group them into ceiling(n / 75) requests and send them using send<T: ScryfallRequest>(requests: [T]) async throws -> [T.Response].

  • Parameter input: Contains a list of valid identifiers for a request.

let identifiers: [ScryfallApi.GetCardCollection.Input.Identifier] = [
    .scryfall(UUID(uuidString: "9129baf5-ffa9-4ffb-bcab-19d6a42dbfcc")!),
    .oracle(UUID(uuidString: "ad9b7fbc-61c8-43ee-a65c-99206fd1e4df")!),
    .illustration(UUID(uuidString: "05580cef-2d91-4c75-9a58-fbd39a545303")!),
    .name("Maelstrom Wanderer"),
    .nameSetCode(name: "Maelstrom Wanderer", setCode: "pc2"),
    .collectorNumberSetCode(collectorNumber: "101", setCode: "pc2")
let request = ScryfallApi.GetCardCollection(input: .init(identifiers: identifiers))


Query for a single catalog which contains an array of Magic datapoints (words, card values, etc). Values are updated as soon as a new card is entered for spoiler seasons. See full Scryfall documentation.

  • Parameter catalogName: The name of the catalog to query for.
let request = ScryfallApi.GetCatalog(named: .cardNames)


Query for a single random card. The random card pool can be filtered. See full Scryfall documentation.

  • Parameter filter: An optional fulltext entry to filter the pool of random cards.
let request = ScryfallApi.GetRandomCard(filter: "llanowar")


Query for a page of rulings for a specific card. See full Scryfall documentation.

  • Parameter identifier: The card’s unique identifier, from a list of valid lookup identifiers supported by the Scryfall API.

let uuid = UUID(uuidString: "9129baf5-ffa9-4ffb-bcab-19d6a42dbfcc")
let request = ScryfallApi.GetRulings(identifier: .scryfall(uuid))
  • Parameter setCode: The card’s unique three to five-letter set code.
  • Parameter collectorNumber: The card’s collector number.

let request = ScryfallApi.GetRulings(
    setCode: "pc2",
    collectorNumber: "101"


Query for a single set. See full Scryfall documentation.

  • Parameter identifier: The set’s unique identifier, from a list of valid lookup identifiers supported by the Scryfall API.

let uuid = UUID(uuidString: "9129baf5-ffa9-4ffb-bcab-19d6a42dbfcc")
let request = ScryfallApi.GetSet(identifier: .scryfall(uuid))
  • Parameter setCode: The unique three to five-letter code for this set.
let request = ScryfallApi.GetSet(setCode: "pc2")


Parse the given mana cost and returns Scryfall’s interpretation. The server understands most community shorthand for mana costs. Symbols can also be out of order, lowercase, or have multiple colorless costs. See full Scryfall documentation.

  • Parameter manaCost: The mana cost string to parse.
let request = ScryfallApi.ParseManaCost(manaCost: "8{U}{R}")


Query for a paginated list of cards based on the given search term. See full Scryfall documentation.

  • Parameter searchTerm: A fulltext search query with a maximum of 1000 Unicode characters.
  • Parameter orderedBy: The method to order the cards.
  • Parameter direction: The direction to sort the ordered cards.
  • Parameter uniquedBy: The strategy for omitting similar cards.
  • Parameter page: The page number to return.
  • Parameter includeExtras: If true, extra cards (tokens, planes, etc) will be included.
  • Parameter includeMultilingual: If true, cards in every language supported by Scryfall will be included.
  • Parameter includeVariations: If true, rare care variants will be included.

let request = ScryfallApi.SearchCards(
    searchTerm: "llanowar",
    orderedBy: .name,
    direction: .auto,
    uniquedBy: .cards,
    page: 1,
    includeExtras: true,
    includeMultilingual: true,
    includeVariations: true


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding Alamofire as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/GauntletApp/ScryfallApi.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))


Feel free to drop by our Discord Server for a chat.


ScryfallApi is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


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