A SwiftUI wrapper for UITextField that enables more customizations and behaviors
SwiftUI Text Field
A SwiftUI wrapper of UITextField that allows more customization
Key Features • Installation • Usage • Documentation • License
Key Features
- InputView and InputAccessoryView
- LeftView and RightView
- All
methods exposed asSwiftUI
modifiers. - Programmatic navigation similar to iOS 15
- DocC documented!
can be installed using Swift Package Manager.
In Xcode open File/Swift Packages/Add Package Dependency… menu.
Copy and paste the package URL:
For more details refer to Adding Package Dependencies to Your App documentation.
Just use it as you would use any other SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
enum Responder {
case first
case second
@State private var text = "A test text"
@ResponderState var focus: Responder?
@State private var date = Date()
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
VStack {
SUITextField(text: $text, placeholder: "Insert a text...")
.inputAccessoryView {
MyAccessoryView() // add an accessory view
.onReturnKeyPressed {
focus = nil // set focus to nil to close keyboard on return key tap
.leftView { // add a left view to clear text on tap
Button(action: { text = "" }) {
Image(systemName: "trash")
.padding(.horizontal, 2)
.responder($focus, equals: .first)
SUITextField(text: .constant(date.description))
.inputAccessoryView {
.inputView {
// Use a date picker as input view!
DatePicker("Select date", selection: $date)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.responder($focus, equals: .second)
// apply style to all children text field!
// more code...
Use Apple DocC
generated documentation, from Xcode, Product > Build Documentation
Known Issues
- When an external keyboard is connected and the software keyboard is hidden, on iOS 15 there is small layout jump when switching from a text field with custom input view and one with normal software keyboard
- On iOS 14 this behavior is worse: sometimes the system tries to re-layout the component infinitely, leading to a stack overflow and crash! Need to understand what actually happens under the hood…
Found a bug or want new feature?
If you found a bug, you can open an issue as a bug here
Want a new feature? Open an issue here
This software is provided under the MIT license
Thanks Bebisim ❤️