A technical exercice for LeBonCoin
A technical exercice for LeBonCoin
Créer une application universelle (iPhone, iPad) en Swift. Celle-ci devra afficher une liste d’annonces disponibles sur l’API https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leboncoin/paperclip/master/listing.json La correspondance des ids de catégories se trouve sur l’API https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leboncoin/paperclip/master/categories.json
Le contrat d’API est visualisable à cette adresse : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leboncoin/paperclip/master/swagger.yaml
Les points attendus dans le projet sont:
- Une architecture qui respecte le principe de responsabilité unique
- Création des interfaces avec autolayout directement dans le code (pas de storyboard ni de xib, ni de SwiftUI)
- Développement en Swift
- Le code doit être versionné (Git) sur une plateforme en ligne type Github ou Bitbucket (pas de zip) et doit être immédiatement exécutable sur la branche master
- Aucune librairie externe n’est autorisée
- Le projet doit être compatible pour iOS 14+ (compilation et tests)
- La récupération de toutes les données disponibles dans le swagger via un call API
Nous porterons également une attention particulière sur les points suivants :
- Les tests unitaires
- Les efforts UX et UI
- Performances de l’application
- Code swifty
Liste d’items: Chaque item devra comporter au minimum une image, une catégorie, un titre et un prix. Un indicateur devra aussi avertir si l’item est urgent.
Page de détail: Au tap sur un item, une vue détaillée devra être affichée avec toutes les informations fournies dans l’API.
Vous disposez d’un délai d’une semaine pour réaliser le projet.
Bonne chance. L’équipe iOS a hâte de voir votre projet !
On the 1st section you will found all the items that are flagged as “urgent” in the API. The rest of the items are grouped by category. A search feature is implemented by taping on the search bar in the navigation bar. The application is available in english and french language.
As describe in the subject this exercice is here to evaluate the candidate. In a limited time choices needs to be made by the candidate. I choosed to focus my time on UX/UI. This section is here to discuss about what could also be done with more time and have a critical point of view on my work.
Accessing a detail view of an item will currently call the listing API again. Accessing an item by his
rather than to pass the entirestruct
through view controller hierarchy give more flexibility to the detail view controller. It can be re-used more easily in case of a deep link evolution for example. In a real production application, a database would probably exists. This extra API call would have probably been replaced easily by an API call on this local database. -
Image loading cache could have been done storing images on disk either instead of a current static NSCache. This would ensure persitence of the cache after application relaunches.
Native iOS UI elements have been preferred as much as possible.
I noticed
URL images have often a higher quality thansmall
ones. I don’t know if it’s the intended behaviour or if some mistakes are present in listing.json. I took the initiative to usethumb
for detail view andsmall
for the grid view. -
No information is made on the currency of the
in the API. I took the liberty to convert it to €/$/… using aNumberFormatter
which will be based on theLocale
of the user device. In a production application this initiative would have not been made because displaying the same number in €/$/… doesn’t really make sense if it is not converted with the current rate. -
Using an horizontal scroll to browse a large number of items could be challenged. Given the amount of data of the current API and the purpose of the exercice. I found it legitimate to implement it that way if a search feature was also provided.
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