A three-paged to-do list mobile app for iOS that is similar to Apple's native Reminder app

It is a three-paged to-do list mobile app for iOS that is similar to Apple’s native Reminder app. It has two screens. The first one is the list screen includes to-dos with their description, date, and time. Each todo can be deleted by swiping left and each to-do has a check button to make it completed. By tapping the plus(create) button, the create to-do screen opens. Users can define a description, date, and time on the to-do. A create button provides saving the to-do and it will be seen in the list on the list screen. In case the user taps on one of the to-dos’s info button, the detail page shows, and the user can edit the to-do.
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
Language / Framework
Swift with UIKit
- UIKit
- Codable
- UserDefaults
- SnapKit
- Programmatically design
- Swift Package Manager
- UITableView
- UIDatePicker
Usage Exapmle