A To-do list app from a beginner ios developer developing from scratch.
App Demonstration
App Features
Homepage |
Multiple Selection using Pan-gesture |
Push notification before deadline |
Different function pages
Add New item |
Edit Existing item |
Show to-do item |
Features and Concepts used in this project
- Model View Controller (MVC) are used in the development
- Use segue to direct between different views
- Realm database is used to save to-do items' data persistently
- Auto layout to set constraints for views and make it responsive to all devices
- Use UITableView to display the list of to-do items
- Create and manipulate toolbar using UIToolbar
- Create and manipulate segmented control using UISegmentedControl
- Setting up and retrieve data from UIDatePicker
- Using UITextView for long text input, mimic the appearance of UITextField
- Exit the input field when user tap outside the input field by overriding
- UserNotifications framework to set and remove push notifications for each to-do item
- Enable multiple selection using pan gesture in iOS
- Passing data between different views
- Rounding Date type to the nearest unit (e.g: minute)
- Detect when app move to background and reappear to foreground
Framework used in this project
- UIKit
- RealmSwift
- UserNotifications