A To-Do List application developed for iOS using SwiftUI

iOS To-Do List App in SwiftUI


This To-Do List application is developed for iOS using SwiftUI, providing users with an intuitive way to manage their tasks.

Empty ToDo List Add some Items to List Mark ToDos completed Delete Unecessary ToDos


  • Task Listing: Displays an organized list of tasks in a user-friendly interface.
  • Task Addition: Allows users to easily add new tasks with a name and a simple button tap.
  • Task Completion: Enables tasks to be marked as completed with a tap.
  • Task Deletion: Features a swipe-to-delete option to remove tasks from the list.
  • Advanced Sorting: Offers the ability to organize tasks based on their creation or completion dates.

Setup and Installation


  • Xcode 15
  • Swift 5.9
  • An iOS emulator or actual device for testing purposes (iOS 15.6+)

Installation Steps:

  1. Clone the repository: https://github.com/Dark-Alone/SimpleToDo

  2. Navigate into the project directory and then open ToDo App.xcodeproj with Xcode.

  3. Build and then run the app either on an emulator or your own device.


  1. Adding a Task: Type the name of the task into the input field and then press the “Add” button.
  2. Marking a Task as Completed: Just tap on the task within the list.
  3. Deleting a Task: Swipe to the left on the desired task and choose “Delete”.
  4. Editing a Task: Long press on the task to edit it.


This project has been licensed under the MIT License. For more specifics, check out the LICENSE.md file.


  • SwiftUI 3.0
  • CoreData
  • Unit Tests with XCTest Framework


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