A tooltip component in SwiftUI for iOS

SwiftUI Tooltip

SwiftUI Tooltip that supports SwiftUI v1.0

SwiftUI does not provide an easy way to show tooltips over exiting views, so we created one! The tooltip provideded by this package allows you to put any View you want into the tooltip and position it on any side of the other View.

Getting started

You can add this package to your project using Swift Package Manager. Enter following url when adding it to your project package dependencies:


We are using semver for versioning, so we would recomment selecting "Up to next major relase" option for this package.

After you added the package, all you need to do is import it and you can add a tooltip to any SwiftUI View in that file!


Example 1

As the first example, the Text view is provided as the tooltip content and it's attached to the other Text view. Below you can see the example of code that is required to create the tooltip and the result you see on the screen.


import SwiftUITooltip
Text("Say something nice...")
    .tooltip(.bottom) {
        Text("Something nice!")


Example 2

Second example shows you how you can add jumping animation to the tooltip from the first example.


import SwiftUI
import SwiftUITooltip

struct SwiftUIView: View {
    var tooltipConfig = DefaultTooltipConfig()
    init() {
        self.tooltipConfig.enableAnimation = true
        self.tooltipConfig.animationOffset = 10
        self.tooltipConfig.animationTime = 1
    var body: some View {
        Text("Say something nice...")
            .tooltip(.bottom, config: tooltipConfig) {
                Text("Something nice!")



If you like this package but feel that you need more control or custom implmentation - feel free to open an issue, send a pull request or fork the repo!


Antoni Silvestrovic

