A UI library that can be used to display a calendar of events within your app


SSCalendar is a UI library that can be used to display a calendar of events within your app. This calendar library was originally built in 2013 for a project that required a calendar experience similar to the revamped Apple calendar app in iOS 7. At the time, I found very few calendar libraries and decided to build one. Note that this calendar is not designed as a picker but rather to display an existing set of events.

SSCalendar provides 3 different calendar views:

A Swift and Objective-C compatible iOS calendar UI library that can be used to display a calendar of events within your app. Note that this calendar is not designed as a picker but rather to display an existing set of events.

Annual view

Monthly view

Weekly and daily view


If any interest is shown in the library then I'll work on improving it. In its current state its limited and poorly constructed. Some areas that need work:

  • No tests
  • Inelegent and poorly constructed
  • Difficult to customize
  • Limited features


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


iOS 8 and up.


SSCalendar is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SSCalendar"


First, import the module:

import SSCalendar

Then, generate data to populate the calendar. Data should be in the form of an array of SSEvent objects:

private func generateEvents() -> [SSEvent] {
  var events: [SSEvent] = []
  for year in 2016...2021 {
    for _ in 1...200 {
  return events

private func generateEvent(year: Int) -> SSEvent {
  let month = Int(arc4random_uniform(12)) + 1
  let day = Int(arc4random_uniform(28)) + 1

  let event = SSEvent()
  event.startDate = SSCalendarUtils.dateWithYear(year, month: month, day: day)
  event.startTime = "09:00"
  event.name = "Example Event"
  event.desc = "Details of the event"

  return event

Next, instantiate the type of calendar view controller (SSCalendarAnnualViewController or SSCalendarMonthlyViewController) that you want to display; along with the array of events:

let annualViewController = SSCalendarAnnualViewController(events: generateEvents())
let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: annualViewController)
navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = false
self.presentViewController(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
