A view controller that can unwind like presentation and navigation

FluidPresentation – no more handling presented or pushed in view controller

A view controller that supports the interactive dismissal by edge pan gesture or screen pan gesture from modal presentation.

Using Presentation Using Presentation

Motivation – Using UINavigationController make the app complicated.

??‍♂️ View Controller would be displayed in push and modal.

Against the small application, a big application abolutely have a tons of transitions between view controllers.
In addition, the view controller migth be presented in navigation controller or modal presentation.
Which means that should support the both of presentations.

And also self.navigationController?.push is not safe operation. (under the dependencies the context.)

What about Coordinator pattern?

Coordinator-pattern’s purpose is solving those problems from complex transitions. However, even this pattern, it’s hard to manage pushing and presenting view controller corresponding to the context.

So, FluidPresentation stop us to use push, instead only uses present.

FluidPresentation provides FluidViewController as a primitive component.
It does animation like push or presentation in modal presentation transitioning.

And we can create hierarchy by using presentation context in UIKit.
For example, fullScreen or currentContext.


Create a view controller by subclassing from FluidViewController.

final class YourViewController: FluidViewController {


Presentation style

let viewController: YourViewController
present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Navigation style

let viewController: YourViewController


present(viewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Present your own view controller by wraping with FluidViewController.

Presentation style

let viewController: YourViewController

let fluidViewController = FluidViewController(idiom: .presentation, bodyViewController: viewController)

present(fluidViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Navigation style

let viewController: YourViewController

let fluidViewController = FluidViewController(idiom: .navigationPush(), bodyViewController: viewController)

present(fluidViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Using NavigationBar for view controller’s navigationItem

NavigatedFluidViewController displays UINavigationBar as standalone using the view controller’s navigationItem.

NavigationBar transitions as cross-dissolve if previous or next view controller is the type of NavigatedFluidViewController.
That makes the user can feel like using basic navigation system.

let viewController: YourViewController

let fluidViewController = NavigatedFluidViewController(idiom: .navigationPush(), bodyViewController: viewController)

present(fluidViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Technical information

https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2013/218/ https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/tech-talks/10869/


FluidPresentation is released under the MIT license.

