A well-designed, adaptive layout and MVC iOS calculator app with fundamental arithmetic operations

Calculator App
Auto Layout
- Used stack view for all key rows and displays
- Created constraint variations for horizontal orientation (compact height)
- Used height constraints and pinning
How It Works?
- Puts into display the last arithmetic operation button tapped
- Deletes “0” if user taps another digit after zero, except decimal numbers (0.5, 0.8 etc.)
- Applies plus-minus and percent operations to last operand
- Shows the last operation above the operation display
- Uses auto-shrink font size and line break
MVC Pattern
- There is no logic or data in view and controller
- Calculator Model(Calculator/Model/Calculator.swift) contains all the things about input validity and arithmetic operations
- Controller(Calculator/Controller/ViewController.swift) calls methods of calculator model and use its outputs in IBActions and includes IBOutlets
- View(Calculator/Controller/Main.Storyboard) is created with Storyboard